Drabble - Iskall's Return Home

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Contains: Fluff, Cuddles

"I'm home!" Hearing his voice for the first time in over a week fills you with joy.
Iskall had been away, overseeing a number of projects at the industrial district.

The trip was initially only supposed to last a couple of days, but there were some unforeseen difficulties which meant Iskall had to extend his stay away from home.

He had written to you to let you know, and to say at the time you had been disappointed at the time was an understatement.
Luckily the last few days passed quickly, and now he's back.

You make your way down the stairs as quickly as possible while still being safe, stopping at the bottom, Iskall now in your line of sight.

You watch as he removes his jacket, hanging it up, and puts his shoes away.
Now he turns his attention to you. "I've missed you so much." He smiles.
"I've missed you too." You return his expression, following him into the kitchen and watching as he begins to unpack his bag.

"I hope you don't mind but I brought you back a gift." You shake your head to answer his question, waiting patiently to see what it is.
It doesn't take too much longer for him to unpack his bag enough to pull out the haphazardly wrapped box.

"I didn't have much time to wrap it." He states, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
"It's alright, I don't mind." You state, carefully unwrapping the present.

Inside is a small book.
It's well made, you can see that from just looking at it, it's clearly hand crafted, the stitching on the cover is a little bit messy and the pages aren't all exactly the same size (although they're incredibly close) but it only makes you happier.
It's really a perfect gift, customised for you, made for you by the person you're closest to.

"Do you like it?" He asks from behind you, arms resting over your shoulders.
"I do." You reply, slowly flipping each and every page, feeling each piece of hand cut paper.

"I'm glad." He moves away from you, moving into the living room. You don't even fully realise he's gone until he shouts through, "Are you coming?"

You're quick to make your way into the living room, almost diving onto the sofa beside him.

Although sitting next to him isn't enough for Iskall who is quick to pull you closer, as close as he can without pulling you onto him.
Which, after a couple seconds of debate, is what he ends up doing.

You lean into him, his arms keeping you firmly in place, although after so long without him you know you won't be going anywhere for a while.

Small talk takes over, Iskall talking to you about what happened while he was away.
It's nice to hear him so much again.
It's nice to have his arms wrapped around you again, to be able to lean into him once again.

It's safe to say you'll be spending more time than usual in his arms, although that's not going to be something that is an issue to either of you.

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