Winters Day With Cub Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff, subtle implications

A Winters Day with Cub would include:

- Wrapping up is a must, Cub will make more than sure of that

- You can not leave the door without a thick coat, scarf and gloves at least.

- Cub wraps up equally as well, he doesn't want you to get sick but he also doesn't want to get sick himself, how could he look after you if he was sick?

- Just because it is cold that doesn't stop the two of you being outside for hours on end

- You'll start your day with a walk, holding onto each other in the case one unknowingly steps onto a patch of powdered snow
It has happened before.

- The outside of your house is decorated with all kinds of snow sculptures that you and Cub have spent hours and hours on.
The group continues to grow until the snow melts away

- Most of the sculptures start pretty, but end up battered.

- More often than not they'll be used as a block against incoming snow.

- Snowball fights happen often, you have a whole area with walls and tunnels all made of snow, a course for you and Cub to battle in.

- Although it usually doesn't stay inside the fort, which is why the sculptures end up with all kinds of additions or missing pieces

- Sometimes the snowball fight will follow all the way to the house, the last shot often landing inside when that is the case.

- Sometimes the two of you will end up losing interest in the snowball fight, too focused on each other and forgetting that you were play-fighting.

- Once you're inside you're inside, whether by snowball fight or for other reasons.

- Your wet clothes will be put to wash, coats and scarves hung up to dry

- Cub will light a fire as soon as he can, not wanting either of you to catch a chill from the cold weather.

- The two of you will make hot drinks and a nice hot meal before retiring to the living room for the evening.

- Whether it's reading by the fire, doing creative crafts, you'll spend your evening by Cubs side

- Sometimes the two of you will even watch the snow pile up on the window frame outside, single flakes melting from the heat of the living room.

- Regardless of the task you're happy to be in the warm after a day in the cold, happy to be by Cubs side.

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