Spending Time With Zedaph Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff, Pranks

Spending Time With Zed Would Include:

- Zed loves to make everything he does fun, which includes the things he does with you.

- He adores making you laugh, something which leads to him spending a lot of time setting up little things that will make you giggle

- He'll set up little pranks to make you laugh, often times ending up pranking himself which is arguably more funny

- At times you're sure he does it on purpose.

- Zed will create amazing little contraptions to wow you

- He also loves to make you blush

- Sometimes his contraptions are made to be used just once to give you a compliment

- He's always inventing new ways to make you blush

- Although he doesn't allude to making them, often denying building them at all

- He always does a poor job at convincing you they just appeared and had nothing to do to him

- You both know full well those contraptions don't make themselves, no matter how much Zed says otherwise

- Zed also loves to involve you in making contraptions.

- Helping Zed often leads to a lot of laughs, the two of you will goof off a lot

- But you'll eventually get projects doneIt won't be long before the next one, Zed is always working on something

- You do offer him short breaks, getaways from working so he isn't doing it constantly

- These breaks include a lot of cuddles Scenic walks Even more cuddles

- Zed loves to hold you

- He also loves to be held

- He really loves to be held (Zed is usually the little spoon for this reason)

- He enjoys when you play with his hair, he'll hum quietly while you do

- Zedaph just adores spending time with you and will jump at any chance he gets

- Whether you come up with something to do or he does

- Being around you is Zed's favourite pass-time

- Which makes every day with you the best it can possibly be

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