Cub - Oneshot - And They Were Roommates

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Contains: Fluff, Scar being Scar

"So, when can I move in?" You ask the elf.
Finding another area to base around spawn had proven itself to be quite the task.
The village was beautiful, but you didn't want to stay in your tiny starter home.

The space was few and far between, so when you noticed the sign outside of the beautiful elven tree village you hadn't missed the chance.
Lucky for you Scar had been free the day after.

A short tour of the basement and you were sold.
He didn't even want diamonds.
In fact he said he wanted nothing from you right now, your presence would be enough.

"The sooner the better." Scar states, "in fact, how about I help you out and we can bring your things over right now?" You agree despite his eagerness being a little strange.

You'd been weary coming into this situation, Scar's past of shady deals in the forefront of your mind.
It does seem a little strange to you how fast he's bringing you along, but you do need somewhere to live.

And so you and Scar haul shulkers back and forth until your former base is empty, leaving them in a neat pile off to one side.
"I can't wait to see what happens down here." Scar smirks.

"Me either, I can imagine so many wonderful possibilities. This space has so much potential." Scar nods, eyes twinkling with something you can't quite place.
"Oh, there's more than the space with potential." He pats your back, leaving before you can question him.

It's more than odd, that's for sure.
Not that you want to dwell on it, filling with excitement as you grab your pickaxe, beginning to carve away at the wall that separates the two parts of the basement.

When Scar said you could have the lot you'd been surprised.
Originally he had mentioned there were two spaces, meaning for two people.
But no, he had changed his mind at some point and said you could have it all.

It was something that brought you great excitement, all that extra space, so much you could do with it.
So much you will do with it once you've finished removing this wall.

Haste two from a nearby beacon helps you a lot.
Things go much faster.

Then things come to a halt.
The hole in the wall showing the other side of the basement, well, what of it you can see with a figure in the way staring at you.

His eyes are wide, in shock you can imagine, just as you are.
You weren't expecting to run into anyone down here.

By the looks of things neither was he.
Neither of you dig any further through the stone, what are you supposed to do?

You avert your eyes, choosing to focus on the shiny netherite in your hand rather than Cub's face.
Of all the people that happened to be down here as well it just had to be Cub.

Cub who you've admired from afar for some time now.
Cub who you've denied having feelings for to multiple hermits who have called you out for supposed heart eyes.
They weren't supposed to see that.

You sigh, Cub getting the memo starts to chip away at the wall once more, you following shortly after.

Soon enough there is no longer a divide between the two parts of the basement, leaving you and Cub in the same room.

"So, I guess we're roomates?" Cub says quietly. He sounds anxious, he looks anxious.
"I guess so." You take a seat on a stone ledge, Cub taking a seat next to you in silence.

This is the closest you've been to him in a while, the hustle and bustle of the new world keeping you occupied and isolated from most of your friends.
Keeping you isolated from the man you'd come to adore.

But, by the looks of it, not anymore.
"Oh, wonderful!" Both you and Cub are broken out of your silence by one cheery elf.

He hops off of the bottom step, almost skipping as he comes to be before you and your roommate.
"I see you've taken down the dividing wall, an excellent choice if I do say so myself. This space is perfect for a couple of hermits if I do say so myself. " Scar smirks.

You can't help but notice the emphasis he put on the word couple.
The way he drew out the word, the way his eyes flicked between you and Cub.

You dismiss it, you're just reading into things, right?
There's no way Scar would do this on purpose.

"It's a nice space." You say.
"But why are there two of us?" Cub follows up, somehow clocking exactly what you were going to ask.

"Well, I thought that the two of you could do with spending a little more time together, you seem to be quite close after all." The smirk he wears on his face now is unlike the one he usually does.
There's something more in it.
More mischief.

Scar walks past you and Cub, taking a look around.
"Yes, I think there's plenty of space in here for the both of you, wouldn't you say?" Your eyes trail from the elf to the scientist.

Cub is still watching Scar, those gorgeous eyes watching the green-clad elf intently.
Cub is a man of science, so your guess is he's trying to work out what Scar is up to.

Unlike Cub and his silent methods you have a much easier way of getting answers from something that is able to tell you.

"What are you trying to get at, Scar?" The elf's green eyes are back on you in a flash.
"Isn't it obvious?" He looks between you and Cub, chuckling.

You shake your head, Scar rolling his eyes playfully.
"Trust me, to everyone other than you two it's obvious. Now I really must be off. Good luck to both of you, enjoy the new living space. Bye!" With that Scar bolts up the stairs, leaving you and Cub alone.

"He is an interesting one." Cub states, more voicing his thoughts rather than striking conversation.
You nod regardless, it's not like he's wrong.

You and Cub move simultaneously to opposite ends of the room, beginning to clear out the space in order to make it liveable.
Your visions for the space seem to match up, which you're glad for.

While you work you can't help but steal glances at Cub, admiring him from afar.
You note how no matter how much work he does it looks effortless, not a crease in his bright white coat or a single dark hair out of place on his head.

What you would give to tell him how you feel.
To confess your feelings.

You don't half wonder if maybe Scar knew.
It seems all too coincidental.

But you simply can't tell Cub.
No, you'll have to deal with your feelings.
After all you're roommates now, you'll have to keep them under wraps.
How hard can it be?

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