Being With Mooner!Grian Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff, Sleep Deprivation

Being With Mooner!Grian Would Include

- Joining the Mooners was Grian's idea

- He told you it was a fun opportunity to bring Boatem together

- You agreed to join him, seeing things from his point of view

- Grian was head of meetings after all, it only made sense to bring boatem together

- Grian and you had thrown your beds into the fire at the exact same time, hugging as the items burned in the blue flames
"We just joined a cult."
"Yeah we definitely joined a cult, didn't we?"

- That sentiment had been quickly dismissed as an idea was proposed to go around and just borrow a few beds

- It's not the first time you've helped Grian get away with something like this where he has gone around and just discreetly taken some things.

- It's not like it's the worst thing you've helped him get away with.
Absolutely not

- You did defend Grian on multiple occasions from people asking if he had nabbed their beds
You did help him do it after all

- If you told on Grian, well, Grian would be sure to tell on you as well

- The lack of sleep wasn't too much of an issue

- You spent a lot of time building interiors, away from the world outside

- Grian told you he had been hearing things for quite some time
Something which you shrugged off for a little bit too long

- It wasn't until one fateful day the two of you went to gather some resources that you decided enough was enough.

- It caught both of you off guard when it happened, both looking at each other in shock.
"You heard it too?" You nodded in response to Grian's question.
"I could understand the-"
"No, no. Absolutely not we are going to bed right now."

- It had almost been a race to who could get to the bedroom faster.

- It had been so long since you had been in there you didn't even realise that Grian had replaced the bed

- The two of you were straight in bed and it did not take long at all for the two of you to fall asleep in each others arms

- Waking up was the best part, you hadn't realised how much you missed it

- Coming to your senses in a dark room, Grian holding you against him

- Since he was still asleep you decided to fall back asleep

- It was great to wake up in his arms once, it will be just the same to do it again
And again
Hopefully every night.

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