Going On A Date With Bdubs Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff, Horses

Going On a Date with Bdubs would include:

- Dates don't happen very often

- Bdubs is usually building, and if there is one thing you know it's that stopping Bdubs from building is a hard no

-He loves it, he loves his creations

- But you are sworn by oath not to tell Etho when things aren't, well, let's say fully complete.

- This time things were perfect, there were no hidden gaps in his project

- Because of that you decided he should have a break, a reward for fully, fully completing a build. No empty spaces.

- So a date was organised.

- Despite his best guesses Bdubs hadn't been able to figure out where exactly you were taking him

- Until he saw the sign.

- "You're taking me horse riding?!"

- You had never seen his eyes light up so quickly, not to mention the size of the grin on his face.

- You had always known of Bdubs' love for horses, although you hadn't expected the sheer level of excitement

- He seemed more than happy when greeting the horses, taking his time to talk to each one, to stroke each one ever so gently.

- He chose the one he wanted to ride, and he chose one for you too. You trust his judgement when it comes to the horses He seems to know something you don't

- When it comes to the actual horse riding he's a natural For someone who claims to have never ridden a horse before in his life he picks it up with such ease

- The two of you are even allowed to go on a short trail even though it's his first time on a horse.

- The ride itself is scenic, calm and just a plain nice time.

- The excitement he had initially is completely gone, replaced with complete peace.

- Every now and then Bdubs will look over at you, he looks so happy.
More happy than you've ever seen him before.

- He has such a soft smile on his face, the sparkle in his eyes is so prominent. 

- Even once the ride was over and the two of you had dismounted his elated but calm mood persisted.

- The two of you helped to brush down the horses you rode, giving them a few treats as well for their perfect behaviour on the trail.

- You got a treat of your own
Being able to see BdoubleO so happy, and being able to join him in that little bubble of joy

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