King!Ren - Oneshot - Too Good To Be True

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Contains: Fluff, Angst, some Yandere tendancies

You find yourself smiling as you haul the last of your things through the door of the Crastle. It's been so long since you agreed to move in.
It feels so good to finally do so.

You remember how apprehensive you were at first, unsure of the King's intentions, but he remained sweet to you, kind.
He agreed to give you all manner of creative freedoms inside his home. His castle.

Bdubs hadn't been overly fond of the idea, of course.
Could you really blame him? No.
But he has always been strange to you, cold. As if he doesn't want to acknowledge what you and Ren have going on.. or you at all really.
Not since Ren became King anyway.

You turn with a smile, dusting off your hands.
Your friend and former roommate does not share your enthusiasm.

Doc has a deep scowl on his face, something has ticked him off but you're not sure what.
And he hasn't helped in explaining.

"I wish you wouldn't do this" he mumbles.
"I'll come visit, don't you worry." You go in for a hug but someone clearing their throat behind you causes you to pause.

"Welcome home." Ren beams as you turn, taking full advantage of your desire to hug someone.
You can hear Doc mumble something else, but you don't quite catch it.

"B-Double-O!" Ren shouts as he pulls out of the hug.
Quick as a strike of lightning, Bdubs appears at Rens side.

"Ah, there you are." The king grins. "I need you to carry these bags and show my dearest their room."
Bdubs nods and bows, "well of course, follow me." The smaller man says all too enthusiastically.

You give Doc a hug before you go, he whispers "be careful, you know where I am if you need me to come get you" and that's that.
Off with Bdubs you go, leaving the two former friends to chat.. hopefully.

Bdubs leads you through long, well decorated corridors, rooms filled with all manner of trophies and collectibles and all sorts of back rooms.
It's amazing what most people don't get to see of this castle, and now you get to call it your home.

The deeper you go the more the grand feeling starts to fade away.
Rooms seem to be unfinished or just don't seem to have any effort put into them.
The colours become dull, metal unpolished.
It's not perfect and pristine anymore.
In fact it's the complete opposite of the throne room, of any of the castle available to the public.
Then you turn a corner.

"Here we are." Bdubs says, dropping your luggage in front of a large wooden door.
It all looks very out of place, the ornate carvings decorating the panel, the handle is shiny and bright.
It feels like you're back in the castle entrance, even though you've just seen for yourself that that's an illusion.

Bdubs unlocks the door and opens it, revealing a large, circular room.
You enter first at his request, a smile falling upon your lips as you look around.

The room is big, finely decorated, the ceiling is high in the center of the room, and a diamond chandelier hangs there.
Around the edge of the room a kind of second floor exists, it wraps around the whole outside wall.

You can see half of the room up there is bookshelves, practically overflowing with books. Opposite that there is a large window, not that you can see where it looks quite yet.

It's a nice room, no one can deny that, but it seems.. off now.
There's a feeling in your stomach telling you that maybe it all means something.
It's probably just the nerves of moving.

You lie on the large bed, listening as Bdubs brings all your things into the room.
"That's all your things, I'll leave you to sort it all out." He says. You nod, well, as much as you can nod while laid down.

You hear the door close and let out a deep breath.
Everything will be fine once you're settled in. That starts with unpacking.

Unpack you do, finding homes for each of your things.
You discover things about the room while you do, for example when it was painted no one bothered to move the furniture so its all just a facade hiding windows into what the room really is.

Once all your things have a home you move on to what you should do next.
This is a new place, perhaps you ought to find out what other secrets it holds.

You walk over to the door, reaching out and taking ahold of the ornate copper handle.
But it doesn't turn.

You try again.

The door rattles as you shake the handle, but it doesn't open.
Bdubs must have locked you in by accident.

You pull out your communicator only to find there isn't any signal for it to work.
It looks like you'll have to wait for someone to come find you.

You busy yourself with the room itself, flicking through books and tracing ornate patterns on the furniture with your fingers.
The time stuck in the room gives you a chance to see all the potential the room has to keep you busy, to be your own space.

"Hey baby." You stop what you're doing, almost tackling Ren in a hug.
"I'm so glad to see your face." You grin.
"Get used to it, you live here now." He winks, "what do you think of the room?"

"It's nice, feels too good to be true." You let out a small laugh, the corners of the King's lips twitching as you do.
"Well it is true. You're here to stay now, forever."

"So what else is there to do in this castle then?" You ask him.
"Are you bored of this room already? I thought you just said it's nice." Ren frowns now.

"It is nice, I just-"
"Bdubs and I put a lot of work into making this the perfect space for you." You nod, looking around as Ren does. There has been a lot of effort put into this room, maybe you should show some more appreciation for it.

"It is a nice room." You mumble.
"I'm glad you think so," Ren smiles again now, "you won't mind waiting in here for a bit would you?"
You shake your head no.

"Great, well.. I'll see you soon then!" Ren squeezes you tight, placing a firm kiss on your cheek before leaving the room.
He closes the door behind him.
Then the lock clicks.

You wait a second before moving over to the door, attempting to open it.
Neither twisting or pulling the handle works to open the ornate wooden barricade.
It doesn't budge, not one bit.

You groan, leaning against the door as if that's going to change the fact it's locked.

With a sigh you drag yourself across the room to the window.
But you don't have a view you can enjoy, no.

Right there is the edge of the perimeter, Doc's baby. Your baby.
Your home.
Your real home.

Doc was right to be skeptical of the king, but Ren won you over with gifts and fancy words. The promise you'd get to live in a castle, be a royal.

You do live in a castle, and you may get to wear a crown one day.
But for the time being it seems you are nothing but a prisoner.

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