Grian - Oneshot - Call Of The Rift

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Contains: Angst, slight yandere tendenicies, fluff

A note: hi all, sorry it's been so long since I updated. My 2 and a half year relationship ended, I had my 21st, lost my job, got a new job
So it's been wild.
I'm hoping to update more often but I can't promise a schedule, but I thank you all for waiting for my return
Take care - Nix <3

When you had started to build your mega base you wouldn't have ever expected it would cause so many issues.
Then again, when you started you didn't realise Grian would be just next door.

His base, the rocks. The large, mysterious stones piled atop each other in a way that, if they hadn't been so large, you'd think they'd been placed as they are by a player.
So perfectly balanced.

But that's not the strange bit, no.
The strange bit is the voices you've heard, the lights you've seen.
They weren't there before Grian moved in.

Nor do you see anyone else noticing the strange things going on.

So many times you swear you've heard it speak, a whisper, a voice calling out to you.
You've asked others if they hear it too, so far you've only had strange looks and no's.

Same for the lights, you can be stood right next to someone, looking at the same place.
They'll still claim there's nothing there.
Maybe it's all in your head.

The longer time has gone on the louder it's gotten, the world hasn't even been around long.
You find yourself staring out of the window at Grian's base.
You're doing that now, feeling it call to you.

As you make your way outside and toward the mass of stones you're careful not to be seen.
You know you have to get to the cave underneath.
That's what you've been told by the voice.

As you cross the boundary and onto Grian's land the voice gets louder, florescent pink floating lights that are no larger than fireflies show you the path.
You follow, cautious of the unnatural glow.

As you find the way down to the cave you can almost feel your body being pulled down.
It's so strong, whatever it is.

You climb down the ladder, a pressure gently squeezing your entire body, whispers you just can't make out echoing around you.

Your feet touch the floor of the cave at long last, something in you pulls backwards.
You feel the urge to turn around.
You do.

"Y/n." It calls quietly.
Curious, you approach the vibrant crevice.
It's voice feels almost safe, comforting.
As does its light.
You wonder if it would feel the same to touch it.

Drawing nearer to it you hesitate.
You can't, surely it's dangerous.
But it's inviting.

So you step closer, hearing it call out your name once again.
How does it know who you are?
How can it speak?

Inside you see a figure drawing closer, a silhouette at first but soon enough it appears fully dimensional.

They look vaguely like Grian, his height and built, but this person has an extra pair of wings, a mask and a halo.
They don't step out of the glowing pink crack, just standing on the other side of it.

"It's been so long, Y/n. So long since I've seen you in the flesh." They speak. Their voice is slightly distorted, much like when your communicator has little signal.

"I don't know who you are." You say.
"Oh but you do, love." They say, sending chills down your spine and causing goosebumps to cover your body. "I'm ready for you to come home."

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