Impulse - Oneshot - Forever

914 31 13

Contains: Demon!Impulse, Demon!reader, Hinting At Death (loss), Fluff, Kisses, Tango Is A Menace, Magic

At first immortality was a gift.
To live forever.

Over time you came to realise it is a curse.
To live forever in exchange for losing anyone you care about.

Many many moons ago you swore not to love again.
It took a long time for you to heal from the last time.

You told yourself you wouldn't allow room for love, no matter when or where, you wouldn't allow for your feelings to surface for another.
You wouldn't allow yourself to get hurt again.

And for the longest time you didn't.
You isolated yourself from the world.

When you came back out from your base deep underground things were different.
People of all kinds had settled in your area.

For the first time in centuries you spoke to them, got to know them.
Things weren't so lonely anymore.

They called themselves hermits, and now so do you.
Unfortunately, alongside getting to know people you've developed feelings.

From the moment you first saw him you've had some very strong feelings.
Those same feelings you refuse to feel.

You've pushed them away, denied them, you can't feel the way you feel about him.
You don't want to deal with the loss when his mortal life ends.

You sigh, coming back into the present moment as Tango calls your name.
"What you thinking about?" He asks.

"Oh, not a lot, you know just life and loss." You shrug.
"Life and loss?" Tango asks, you get the impression he doesn't quite understand

Which of course he wouldn't.
"Yes, do you know much about demons?" Tango nods.
"I do, I do. I just so happen to know one quite well, although if you're getting at what I think you are well.. I guess that means I know two."

You raise your eyebrow, questioning him silently.
"Yeah, no, Impulse is a demon."

A demon.
Like you.

Your mind races, thinking of your past experiences, thinking of when you told yourself you'd never allow yourself to fall for another.

Your stomach twists, heart aching as your true feelings surface.

"Y/n?" You blink a couple times, coming back to the moment. Tango, relieved to have your attention again, stops waving his hand in front of your face.

"Sorry, I just.. I didn't-"
"You didn't know Impulse was a demon too?" You shake your head, feeling increasingly more nervous.

"I didn't think it was a big deal." Tango pauses, red eyes brightening as a smirk appears on his face. "Oh."
Tango chuckles at your confused expression. "I see."

"You see what?"
"You've got it bad for my buddy Impulse." He folds his arms over one another, smirk cocky and confident.

"Tango I-" He raises one hand, stopping you in your tracks.
"Don't you think you've denied it long enough? You love him, I can see it in your eyes."

He's not wrong.
Tangos eyes brighten further as his excitement grows, your feeling obvious.

You sigh, "you know what Tango, I was so scared to admit it, but you're right." You hear a firework sound in the distance, Tango snickering.

"I mean, you haven't properly admitted it yet." He nudges you with his elbow, raising his eyebrows
You roll your eyes, letting out a small laugh.

"Are you serious?" Tango nods.
"Of course I'm serious, look at this face." He does his best to straighten out his expression, but the large grin doesn't disappear.

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