Scar - Oneshot - In Love With The Enemy

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Based on 3rd Life

Contains: Angst, Tension, Threats, Manipulation attempt from our capitalist man.

You stand at the entrance to Dogwarts, sword in hand.
You know why you were sent here, to prove yourself and your alliance.

You joined Ren not too long after after some time of being on your own.
At first you didn't know with who your loyalties lied, except for with Scar.
Although after he lost his first life and Grian swore himself to the man trying to put a monopoly on sand you had parted ways.

You hadn't been sure if you were making the right choice.
And so you left one night and didn't return to the desert.

Ren knew of your prior situation with Scar, you promised him he could trust you and you wouldn't betray him.
You hope that stands true or else you'll be in big trouble.

To say you and Scar had been close before was an understatement.
You had come into Third Life as a couple. You had wanted to do it together, although Scar became corrupt.

It had driven you away, but you still love him.
It's what's causing you conflict.
Seeing him standing there now.

He isn't how you remember, not even how he was after his first life was taken.
The diamond armour he swindled off of many is gone, in fact he doesn't wear any at all.
You wonder if he's taken it off just to come see you, to look less threatening.

His name is still yellow, although yours is now too.
It hadn't been when you left the desert. It wouldn't take much for either name to be changed to red.

It's hard to look at him, but you have to stand your ground.
For Dogwarts, for your allegiance to Ren.
For yourself.

Scar smiles at you, staying at a distance.
"What do you want Scar?" You keep your face as straight as possible, not wanting your inner feelings to show.
You're elated to see him, happy to know he's still alive.
But you can't let that show.

"It's good to see you too." He smirks, "I'm here to speak to Ren." You shake your head.
"Ren isn't seeing people at this time. Whatever you have to say you can say to me and I'll pass the message on."

Scar looks down, chuckling. "You see, Y/n, the problem with that is that I don't have time to wait. I'm here now to speak to Ren now. Be a darling and go get him for me."

You stand your ground, not giving in to what once was your pet name.
"No." Scars face quickly becomes a scowl.

He approaches you quickly, you don't even get chance to raise your sword before he's right there.
"There was a time you'd do anything for me, my love."

"That time has passed." You reply, struggling to fight your nerves at his closeness.

You've missed him so much.
You want to give in.
But you know you can't.

Scar places his arms on your waist, pulling you in even closer.
His smirk is familiar, but not one you recognise.
It's more sinister.

But it's still so hard to not swoon at the sight of it.

"I want to see Ren, I want passage into Dogwarts and Renchanting. For free."
"Scar I.. I can't do that." Scar frowns.
"Not even for me?" You shake your head.

"No, not even for you."
"Don't you love me, Y/n?"
"I do but I- My loyalties lie with Dogwarts. You must understand Scar. I can't let you in." His eyes search yours for any sign of you giving in.

He wants you to so bad.
He leans in closer, kissing your cheek.

"That's the thing, you can. You can let me in, all I need is for you to turn around, open that door and lead me to the enchantment table. Then I'll go on my merry way, your reputation in tact and my things enchanted." His voice is hushed, hands gripping your waist in a way they haven't in so long.

"I'm going to need you to step away from Y/n." Relief washes over you, Ren came to your aid after all.
"Oh, I don't think so." Scar chuckles, spinning you around. His arms snake around you, holding your body flush against his. "Not until I get what I want."

You lock eyes with Ren, shaking your head.
"He wants to use the enchantment table. Don't let him." Ren smiles at you, before his face hardens and his attention returns to Scar.

"Renchanting comes at a price, Scar."
"And a price I will pay. In reputation points." You feel the man holding you shrug.
"It's a scam." You state.

"It's not a scam." Scar feigns sounding hurt, "I enchant my gear, in return you gain my trust for the future. You gain a slight advantage over those with no reputation point when I am on my final life." Ren looks to consider Scar's offer.

But he shakes his head. "No. I will not accept your offer Scar. You are no allowed into Dogwarts nor access to the enchanter. Now let Y/n go." Scar laughs now, not just a low chuckle as it has been the rest of the time.

"Ren my friend, you're making a mistake." Scar tries to bargain, but Ren doesn't faulter.

"I know what's good for me. For those I have an allegiance to. You are not one of those people." Ren draws his sword now, pointing it at you. "I know Y/n is willing to sacrifice their life for Dogwarts, so I suggest if you want them to live you'll let go."

You feel Scar tense up.
He wants to enchant.
But is the cost of your life worth it?

He makes up his mind shoving you toward Ren, but he's careful to avoid Ren's sword.
"Fine. Have it your way. Y/n, I know we'll be reunited one day." He blows you a kiss, "as for you Ren, you'll realise you've made a mistake. When I return with a red name don't think I'll spare your life." With that Scar backs off, once he's in the trees he disappears completely, leaving you and Ren alone.

"I'm glad to know your loyalties remain with me regardless of your feelings." Ren states.
You nod, although find your eyes lingering on the trees, you find yourself wanting to be back in his arms.. although on better terms.

You hope that you can be reunited one day, without being on opposing sides.

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