Impulse - Drabble - Comfortable Silence

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Contains: Fluff, lots of fluff

Silence is comfortable.
It always has been for you and Impluse, although it never used to be so common.

You'll have your laughs, you'll have your fun, but often silence is enough for the two of you.

You hadn't imagined things would be so quiet once you settled down, having moved in with the love of your life.
But then again what did you expect?
The two of you couldn't talk all the time.

Things had to slow down eventually, you couldn't be constantly causing chaos.
Before you lived together most of your quality time was spent messing around, but you'd go home and things would be calm there.

It's not any different now, other than the fact Impluse is here.

That leads to moments like now.
Where the world is quiet, still, for all but the rain outside.

You lie next to each other, no words have been said in some time, but neither of you mind.
You have each others company.

You can see his chest rise and fall with every breath.
You can feel his heartbeat where you hand lies at the bottom of his ribcage.

These moments are precious, no matter how many more you have.
They're the most peaceful times in your otherwise all over the place schedule.

These aren't the moments you dreamed of before you came to live with him, but they're the moments you look forward to the most now.

You dreamed of the playful times, going out, building things together.
While you do still enjoy those things and look forward to those things nothing beats moments like this.

Nothing beats lying beside the man you love, seeing him smile as he thinks about who knows what.
Nothing beats the way he looks over at you, his eyes so full of such joy that you're there.

Nothing beats the way you feel when the words "I love you" are the ones that break the silence.
Nothing ever will.

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