Dating Xisuma Headcanons

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Contains: Romance, Fluff, Angst

Dating Xisuma Would Include:

- The two of you are almost inseparable, mining together, building together. What is his is yours and yours is his.

- Stolen glances. The level of thievery is far too high. Despite how often the two of you are together the both of you can't help taking a sneaky peek at the other when you're doing separate tasks.

- Glances aren't the only things that get stolen either, over time many hugs, kisses, occasionally a mouthful of food have been stolen as well.
What can you say? The golden carrots just taste better when they're from Xisuma's stash.

- One of the few things you don't do together is admin work, you leave that in the more than capable hands of X

- Although more than a few hermits have asked for your help to convince him to turn the other way for a second while they were up to no good (looking at you Doc with your machines and you Grian with your thirst for war)

- Luckily for you being his partner Xisuma lets you get away with it, but he definitely knows you're aiding in the shenanigans.

- He lets you get away with a lot of things, although often not without a little something in return. Be it a prank, a little note left for you to discover, the diamonds being moved from their regular place or being replaced with derpcoin if he's feeling really mean

- Speaking of derpcoin, and of Evil X, well, those are two related things and some of the few you and X have ever disagreed about.
It's not that you didn't want to believe Evil X had changed, you did, but it was so clear to you that he was taking advantage of X and his trust.

- Even your arguments aren't too bad, albeit one-sided at points. You put your trust in X anyway, even though you know anything regarding as much money and power Evil X wants can only go south

- When they do X comes to you clearly upset. You talk it out with him, helping to find a solution. A solution which includes a lot of cuddles as he lets his emotions out

- No matter what happens that comes between the two of you you sort it out, just as in love as you were before, if not more.
Ready to face another day.

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