Grian - Drabble - Too Different

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Contains: Angst, Winged!Grian, Mer!reader, Fluff

Watching him land always made your heart flutter, there was always so much grace in the way he landed.
He had greeted you with a warm smile, which made your fluttering heart sink.

"You wanted to see me?"
"Yes Grian.. I have something to say, something I should have said before."
"Me too." His cheeks are rosy, eyes bright.
You hate to ruin it but what choice do you have?

"We have to stop seeing each other."
With your words all the colour drains from his face. He sinks to his knees, drenching his trousers in the shallow water.
His expression pains you.
You've come to love him, but how can it ever be?

"I live in the water, you live on the land. I can't visit your home and you can't visit mine. We can't make this work. We're too different."

The water moves with him as he crawls forward, the ocean deepening around him.
He moves toward you slowly, all the grace he has while flying and walking is gone, his body not made to move as easily in the water as yours.

Yet he pushes toward you anyway,  the water at mid-abdomen height once he finally reaches you.
"We can make this work. I know we can. We've done it this far."

"I love you." He suddenly says, catching you and him by the looks of it off guard. "I love you Y/n. That's what I came here to tell you. "

The second time he's more confident in his words, holding out his hands for you now.
"I love you too Grian but I'm not sure we can make this work." You take a hold of his hands, him pulling you toward him.

His eyes are soft, still teary, but also filled with determination.
"We can make this work. I promise you we can. I love you and I'm not willing to lose you.. Do you trust me?"

"I do." He leans down slightly, placing his forehead on yours.
"We'll find a way to make this work. I know we will."

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