Zedaph - Drabble - The Wrong Button

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Contains: No warnings, no implied relationship

You knock on the door, entering Zed's main office.
"Hey Y/n, what's up?" He asks, immediately noticing the concern on your face.

"Oh, uhh.. not much. I just need you to come with me." Zed shrugs, standing and following you out of the room and into the main science center.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" He asks while the two of you walk, unaware of what lies around the corner.
"Well, you see.. there was a little accident in the lab." You reply. Little may be an understatement.
Not that Zed needs to know that.

You round the corner, well aware of the second Zedaph catches sight of the utter destruction from the sound he makes.
It's something between a gasp, a shriek and the sound of utter disbelief.

"Wha- what did you do?" He asks, looking around.
The walls are charred, the desk is pieces on the floor as is everything that was on it.
Water is everywhere, the sink also having been blasted to smithereens.
The light is non-existent, not that the light switch is useable anymore, the cover having melted into one big lump on the wall.

"I pressed the wrong button."

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