Daily Life with Grian Headcanons - (winged!reader)

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Contains: Fluff, winged!reader

Daily life with Grian (as winged!reader) would include:

- Living with Grian is no easy feat

- He's a troublemaker at heart, just because he loves you doesn't mean you don't get your fair share of Grian pranks

- Although, for you at least, they're harmless

- Others aren't so lucky, but that's not your fault

- Most of the time it's not anyway, although you can't say you haven't helped Grian plot or pull off a prank or two

- Maybe more.

- In fact, having wings and the ability to fly makes you quite useful for pranking

- Not that you let it be known to the other hermits you're involved of course

- Grian loves you for more than just how well you can aid him in pranking others

- Your wings are definitely one of your features he loves the most

- Grian has spent a lot of time studying them, drawing them

- He hopes to create a pair of his own

- You're happy to help, the thought of not being able to fly is one that makes you bad

- You want him to know how it feels, although you want to make sure it's safe for him to fly as well.
You won't always be there to catch him.

- Grian loves the idea of flying, the idea of being almost weightless in the air
Although the potential dangers haven't quite set in yet

- He loves to watch you fly, the way your wings move, the way the light bounces off of each individual feather
It only makes him want to join you more

- He also loves when you wrap him in your wings

- He's always very careful with them, apologising if he snags even a single feather

- To Grian your wings are truely special, just like the rest of you.

- That is, after all, a contributing factor to your relationship, you're special to him as he is to you.

- Whether Grian can fly or not you're happy to have him around

- He finds a way to make even the most mundane of tasks fun

- Otherwise boring tasks like cleaning are instead often the highlight of your day

- Whether he's turned dusting into dancing or cooking into a comedy show, nothing ever drags when Grian is around

- He's a pleasure to be around, witty but focused, determined and playful

- Even though it means you spend more time grounded, it's not a problem as long as you have Grian.

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