Grian - Oneshot - Dinner Date

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Contains: Bird Hybrid!Grian, Fluff, Mention Of Knives (for cooking), Food

A man (partly) of many talents.

Building, flying, pranking, pvp, dancing.
The one you've come to love over many bases and a lot of time spent together.

You've always thought highly of him.
You've always admired his many talents and skills, well, and him as whole.

You can't say you've ever been so.. well you're unsure what it is.

A dinner date was the parrot-hybrids idea.
He thought it would be fun for the two of you to make and eat dinner together.
So did you.
At first.

It wasn't until approximately two minutes ago you felt this was a bad idea.
In fact you'd quite looked forward to having a hand with the cooking.
Plus you'd get to look at your scarlet-winged lover, always an added bonus.

You didn't think you'd be watching him this closely, genuinely concerned just by the way he was navigating the kitchen.

"Grian, oh-" you sigh as a plume of flour rises into the air, Grian coughing from the wheat dust.
"What?" He says, doing his best to form the flour into a mound on the countertop.
"Nothing, my love." You shake your head, putting the empty packet in the bin.

The incident with the flour isn't the only time you have to step in and lend him a helping hand, no.
It turns out that while Grian may be skilled with a sword he is less skilled with a kitchen knife.

Which you did not realise.
Until just now.

"What are you doing?" You ask him, leaving your things to go give him a hand.
"I'm cutting the carrots." Grian states plainly, using the knife like a saw.

"Look, come here." You wiggle your way under one of his arms, placing your hands on his.
You feel him lean forward slightly into you, if not to see what you're doing just to be closer.
Carefully you take the knife from his hand, moving his other hand out of the way.
Grian takes this opportunity to wrap his arms around you and hold you even closer against him.

"Your fingers on this hand need to be curled, or you'll be catching your fingertips." You show him how to correctly position his hand on the carrot, and on the knife too. "If you hold the knife like this all you have to do is push down and move the knife away from you."

"Oh." Grian whispers behind you, like he's finally realised why it's taking him so long to cut through anything.
"Go slow, you don't have to chop things at the speed I do, I've had plenty of practice." You say.

You can feel his confused look at your words, the piece you had just cut off wasn't done very quickly.
So you decide to show off.

In less than ten seconds the carrot is cut into perfectly even slices, you gather them on the knife and transfer them to the pan which sits on the counter at the top of the chopping board.
"It's probably best I don't go that fast." Grian chuckles.

"I agree, anyway, let's see you give it a go now." Grian groans in protest, but pulls his hands away from your waist.
He takes the knife and brings another carrot over from the side. 

You can hear him repeating what you said under his breath as a reminder.
This time you're happy with how he's holding everything.
And sure enough, with much much more ease than before, he cuts through the carrot.
"Good job." You smile, glancing over your shoulder to see his face.

On his face rests a pleased smile, "and to think I had such a hard time before when it's that easy." 
You chuckle, shaking your head.
"It only gets easier with time too." 

The kitchen mishaps are surprisingly low from that point on.
There are a few small things, like a carrot slice being launched across the room, potato peel going all over the floor and Grian knocking over not one but two mugs by knocking them with his wings while walking by, but for the most part things go well.
You even managed to leave him be for a few minutes with no incidents, which given how he was at the start was a miracle.

In the end things turned out well.
You and Grian enjoyed the meal you both worked so hard to make, and it turned out pretty damn good if you say so yourself.
The cleanup after was enjoyed much less, but then again Grian was there clowning around, so it still ended up being quite fun.

Once everything was finished and tidy night had fallen.
"Did you enjoy our date night then?" Grian asks with a smile.
"Once you learnt how to wield a knife properly, yes. I did, very much." 
"Mm, good." He leans forward tapping your nose with his index finger. "We should do this again, tomorrow." 

You chuckle, "tomorrow? That's a bit soon, don't you think?" Grian's face turns serious.
"Do you not want to cook with me again?" 
"Well." You joke, Grian pouting before surrounding himself in his wings.

You reach out to stroke the vibrant yet soft feathers when a hand shoots out from between them and pulls you in. 
"I'll convince you to cook with me again soon." Grian smiles, rising to stand with you in his arms.

"How do you suppose you're going to do that?" You ask, Grian looks down at you, a playful look i his eyes.
"Because if you don't I'm going to fly to the moon and live there eating moon soup." you pout, crossing your arms.

"You wouldn't dare." 
"I would, I'd miss you, but I'd go." You roll your eyes, leaning further into him as he walks up the stairs.

"You love me too much to fly to the moon and live there alone." Grian laughs.
"Okay, you got me there." Gently he places you on the bed, turning on the lamp before going and closing the curtains.

He gets ready for bed, you doing the same. Although, like normal, you find yourself distracted, focus on Grian rather than on the task at hand.
Soon enough you're both sorted and in bed, Grian holding you close to him.

"You will cook with me again though?" He asks quietly, sleep quickly settling in.
"Of course I will, my love."

Grian hums happily, almost chirping instead.
He's too tired to respond with words, a feeling you share as you feel sleep creeping closer and closer.
A small smile rests on your lips as you fall into slumber, with memories of the day repeating in your dreams.
Sweet dreams of cooking with the one you love.

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