Being With Yan!Scar Headcanons

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Contains: Yandere, Angst, Manipulation, Possessive Behavior

Being With Yan!Scar Would Include:

- First meeting Scar you never would have guessed things would turn out like this

- He was mischievous sure, but it always had an air of playfulness to it

- A mist of intrigue lingered around him, he always seemed to have a motivation but would never share it

- You helped him pull off his pranks on the other hermits

- There was no way you could deny your attraction for the devilishly handsome Scar

- Even now it catches you off guard
Even though things have changed

- As time went on he insisted you be around him more
He insisted you go caving with him, for his protection

- You always did

- He insisted you base with him, it would make him feel safer is what he told you

- And you did

- More and more he would insist you stay with him until the two of you became inseparable

- You were his protector, his love, you wouldn't leave him, would you?

- You didn't.
You never do anymore.

- Where Scar goes, you go.
Where you go, Scar goes.

- You're never apart. Not for a minute.

- The other hermits have brought this up time and time again, finding ways to get you alone and try and keep it that way.
"Scar's too possessive"
"You have no freedom"
"We can help you."

- The other hermits don't understand
Scar needs you.
He's accident prone, without you who will patch him up?
Who will protect him, remind him to eat when he's lost a few hearts?

- You're free, you can do what you want, when you want.. as long as you bring Scar.

- Besides, you love the man
.. although a bit of time to adventure on your own sounds like it would be nice.

- You don't have secrets, Scar knows everything
He's always there to hear

- You can't even plan a prank to do with someone else
It's only ever him

- It's always him

- But you can't leave him
Can you?

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