Skizz - Drabble - Working late

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Contains: Fluff

If you feel this is oddly specific, it is. My fiancé has gone on nights (again) and this is what it's like, except he gets home at about 8am and it's 7 days straight (it's rough).
This is all here just to really say if you want to start writing try incorporating your real emotions into your work, it makes a huge difference!. Anyway, happy reading!

This evening has been hard, you knew it was coming but it has still been hard.

Skizz had told you he really wanted to finish his shop and would do so by any means necessary, the problem was that that meant you'd had to spend the evening alone, which was fine.
You'd sorted a few bits out around the house, walked the dogs, made sure that everything was in order for the morning.
It was all fine.. except for one problem.

The one problem came when it was time for bed, which was that you'd have to go to bed. Alone.
You'd hoped you could stay awake until Skizz got home, but that wasn't the case.

Once midnight had hit you were falling asleep on the sofa, which the dogs seemed more annoyed at than you. They liked that spot.

So, begrudgingly, you'd made your way to the bathroom, washed your face, brushed your teeth, and gone to bed.

You'd had a miserable time falling asleep. It was too cold and too quiet without him there.
You tried to read, but your eyes couldn't focus on the words. You tried to listen to music, but it just wasn't the vibe.
So you'd given up and laid there until you'd eventually fallen asleep.

Until a few moments ago, when you woke up.
The room is still as dark as can be, you're still exhausted.
Groggily, you reach over to the side table and tap the button on the clock.
It's been an hour, maybe a bit more.
You're unsure what time your really managed to get to sleep.

It's still cold, you're still alone.
Your heart sinks. He probably won't be back tonight.
So you pull the duvet closer, attempting to fall back into your slumber.

You can hear your own breaths, the sound of your heart beating. It's just not the same without him here. It's not as easy, doesn't feel as safe.

Yet, slowly your body begins to relax, darkness taking back over.
You barely register the sound of the door, the shuffling, or at least you're too far into sleep to be able to react.

A familiar weight moves the mattress, duvet going with it as he takes his usual spot.
You make some sort of grumbling noise at being disturbed, but a sigh escapes you as he gets close.

One arm drapes itself over you, then pulls you in. One strong, familiar arm.
His voice is sleepy too, muttering "don't you grumble at me it's time for cuddles."

You feel yourself smile, possibly only internally, although it's too dark to know. Not that you could see your face without a mirror anyway.

You shuffle to get more comfy pressed up against him, warming up quickly.
Then you shuffle again to stuff some blanket between the two of you to stop the heat.
"Just that hot am I?" He giggles, clearly about to drift off.
Somehow you find it in you to respond, "don't need heating when I have you."
He lets out an amused huff, but like you is too tired to say any more.

The silence is filled with the soft sound of his breathing, plus your cozy and warm now.
That's not even to mention how safe you feel being in his arms again, those wonderful arms that are so strong holding you so carefully against him.

With what you're sure is a soft sigh you're able to comfortably drift into a peaceful slumber, dreaming only of Skizz, how much you love him, and the wonderful arms that leave you feeling so safe and secure (and flustered, but it's a calm, peaceful sleep. Sue me.)

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