Grian - Drabble - Secret Island

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Contains: Fluff, Angst

"It's time to share my secret" You say to yourself.
It's scary, to have finally invited someone to the place you spend most of your time.

Even after dating for so long, even though you've already told Grian of this place, you're still unsure if it was a good idea to invite him.
You trust him.

You can't take it back now, you sent him the coordinates in a letter.
And he'll be here within the next few minutes.

You pace back and fourth, you've been overthinking since you sent a date, time and the coordinates to him.
Even if you hadn't been, you certainly are now.
Even though you know Grian, you know what he's like, something just feels.. off.

Then you spot him, a speck in the sky that grows in size until finally he lands directly in front of you.
How he stopped before he hit you you're not sure, but then again he just has some amazing skills when it comes to flying.

"So, this is it?" he asks, taking in the surroundings.
"Yeah. This is the place. I know that it doesn't look very magical right now, but that's because it has to stay hidden."
"That makes sense." Grian says with a smile.

"It's this way." You turn, the feeling in the pit of your stomach getting worse. "You did come alone, right?"

"I did, no one knew I was even leaving." You nod.
"Okay, let's go." You ignore your feeling, taking a quick look around just to make sure.

You take Grian by the hand and lead him through the secret entrance.
Even through you're still on edge you won't deny that his reaction makes you happy.

You've spent so long here, crafting individual environments for every single creature.

It's constantly changing as your aim is to rehabilitate as many creatures you can, to get as many of them as possible back out and into the world.
"This is incredible." Those are the only words Grian can get out.
But they're not the only ones you hear.

"It really is." You jump around, sword drawn.
At the other end of your blade is one Mumbo Jumbo, who looks just as surprised to have a sword as his throat as you were to hear the sound of his voice.

"What are you doing here?" You ask, almost as more of a threat than a question.

"I.. I, well, you see.." He struggles with his words, clearly trying to find the right ones. "I was in the middle of setting up a prank when I saw Grian leave, and I thought it was an odd time to be leaving.. so I followed him here, I promise I didn't mean to!"

You lower your sword.
He seems genuine enough.
"You can't tell anyone about this place." You state.
"I won't, I swear." Mumbo rushes.

"Right, now that's out of the way, how about a tour?" Grian offers you a smile, squeezing your hand as reassurance everything will be okay.

Mumbo smiles too, although behind it you can see the guilt for sneaking somewhere he wasn't supposed to.

You take in a deep breath, nodding at Grian's suggestion.
"A tour it is, let's go."

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