Sleepy Bdubs Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff

- Bdubs is one for sleeping

- Everyone knows that

- But there have been times you've convinced him to stay up after sundown

- Albeit not for very long

- One night you convinced him to stay up until the moon was almost at its peak

- You took him stargazing, well, in a glass dome

- Phantoms are no ones friend

- The same could be said for the rest of the night time mobs

- So while it may have been preferred to be out in the open it was probably for everyone's benefit that you didn't.

- You did have beds, which were set up

- Bdubs carries two with him everywhere. One for each of you.
He learnt early on that you'd quote on quote forget your bed.

- The two of you were snuggled up close under the stars

- It was quiet and comfortable

- Bdubs seemed to quite enjoy the stars

- He was in awe at the moon, which was quite unexpected given how much he avoids it

- The stern sleep schedule did catch up

- Soon enough sleep had been upon you both

- But not before Bdubs whispered "I love you"

- You were too tired at the time to really acknowledge it

- But the next morning it was the first thing you thought about

- That and the sun in your eyes

- Neither of you had said 'I love you' yet

- You had sleepily closed the sky light, blocking much of the sun out of the room

- It wasn't enough to keep out the sounds of the birds but hey, you can't have everything

- And it's always nice to hear them chirping away, even if it isn't always ideal for sleep

- When you had gotten back in bed Bdubs pulled you close to him

- As he usually does

- But last night he said something he doesn't usually say
Or rather never has

- And this is the perfect opportunity for you to do the same
The perfect opportunity to whisper 'I love you too'

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