Yan!Grian - Oneshot - How Could You Say No?

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Contains: Low key yandere, Fluff (unhealthy), manipulation

Warning: This is not healthy behaviour! I write for entertainment but please be aware than in real life this type of behaviour from both parties is not healthy nor acceptable. If you find yourself in a situation like this please let someone know and stay safe!


With a new season came new opportunities.
It had been an interesting start, that was for sure.

This time around many people had decided to take it slow and enjoy the new world, which of course you decided to do as well.
You'd been invited on an adventure to find a home, an adventure where your crush was going too. How could you say no?

So to the mountain you'd gone, messing around. But soon enough people began to claim land. You claimed some right next to Grian.

You'd had a crush on him for some time, but never had the chance to get to know him, this season you wanted to change that.

Then the fishing began. You liked fishing, but it was much more enjoyable being around Grian.
Plus, that change did happen, the two of you got to know each other well, talking all the while catching fish and treasure. You fished for hours upon hours, day after day.
Grian even built a little fishing hut for the two of you to have some shelter, which was incredibly sweet of him.

It hadn't taken much longer for Grian to build a house either, yours popped up about a week after than.
All the while the two of you still spent time together.
Grian would invite you everywhere, mining, fishing, of course you'd go.

You'd been surprised when he asked you to be his, but happy. So very happy.
The next day he gifted you a fully enchanted pickaxe, which of course you couldn't refuse. It was a gift after all.

When shops started popping up the two of you would go together, spending diamonds Grian insisted you have a share of.
He helped you gather resources, although soon enough there was no need for them.
Grian asked you to base with him, how could you say no?

The two of you spent even more time together, chopping down trees, mining through stone. Anything and everything you did, you did together.
You have done ever since the server began.

Which brings us to today, you and Grian, sitting by the sea.
Today there is no fishing, no need to fish, but Grian had asked you to come with him to sit by the ocean. So you did.

Your thoughts were left to wander, and suddenly you were left thinking of the empty wall in the kitchen and how you had the perfect painting at your house.
Not that you had lived there, or even visited, in some time.

"G, I've figured out a solution to our empty wall problem." You say, breaking the silence.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes, I know the perfect painting. I'll have to go get it though."

"Go get it? Now?" He asks.
"I can, probably should really. You know what I'm like for remembering this kind of thing." You laugh sheepishly.

"But we're enjoying the ocean, like we used to. Can we go another time?"
"I can go myself, it's only at my old house." You say.

Suddenly Grian's eyes are on you, you can feel them almost burning a hole in the side of your skull.
"You can't go there alone, it could be dangerous." You turn to look at him, shrugging.
"It can't be that dangerous, besides, I can handle myself." His eyes darken.

"I don't want you to get hurt, you know that. What would I do if you got hurt and I wasn't there to help?" You didn't think about that.
"I, well, you can come with me then. I want to get this painting, it'll be perfect."

Grian sighs, taking your hand in his. "Okay, we'll go get it. I can't let you go alone." You smile at his words.
He stands, helping you up.

The walk to the house is longer than you remember, and sure enough it's in a bit of a state.
Nature has very much taken over, you didn't think it was that long since you'd left.

When Grian had asked you to move in it was done very quickly, most of your furniture wasn't needed, so it was either given to other hermits or left in the house for you to collect at a later date.
Looking around inside you don't think you'll be back for most of the things you left.

The floorboards squeak under your weight and Grian's. Moss covers much of the floor, vines crawl along your walls.
You move carefully towards the office, not wanting to hurt yourself.
You're glad Grian came.

As you reach for the door handle Grian pulls you away, startling you.
"Let me, just in case. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened."
You stare at him for a second, but nod "okay." It's not exactly like you can say no. He only wants to protect you.

Grian pulls open the door with ease, scraping at the moss on the floor as the wood moves.
The office window is clearly broken, but the rest of the room looks okay.
Grian steps in, holding your hand and pulling you gently along.

You spot the painting, propped up in the corner of the room.
Many of the colours have faded from time in the sun, plus it seems to be cracked and peeling.
You feel so disappointed seeing the state it's in now, knowing how beautiful it once was.

The piece was so unique, and now it mirrors its surroundings.
You can't bring yourself to even pick it up, it's inseparable from this house now, a worn down broken place, no longer a home.

Noticing your increasing upset Grian gently guides you out of the house.
You can't bring yourself to say no.
He does more than that, holding your hand tightly and taking you all the way home.

The walk is silent, full of sorrow.
You can't even bare to look back.

Grian doesn't take you into the house, he takes you up to the swing in the garden.
He'd built it for you, a place where the two of you could relax, read, look out at the ocean from a distance.
Compared to your old home this one is beautiful, perfectly crafted, delicately detailed. This is your home now.
You try remind yourself of that, but still feel sad.

After some time in silence Grian speaks up.
"I had something I wanted to ask you earlier, when we were on the beach. It's why I didn't want to leave, but you know I'd do anything for you."
You nod slightly, knowing his words are true.
His home changed for you, he changed for you. He looks after you and gets you gifts and allows you to be creative.
He protects you from harm, takes care of you when you're sick, takes you on days out and adventures.

You turn your attention to him as he begins to speak again.
"You're very special to me, truly you are. I don't want to spend a day of my life without you, ever. You mean too much to me. You've become a part of my home, my comfort, I can't lose you. I need you to be by my side, forever." You see the box, you see the ring. A beautiful piece, you wonder if he crafted it himself.

You look at the ring, at him. You glance at your surroundings, what a beautiful life he has created for you here. A life you don't have anywhere else with anyone else.
"Marry me?"
How could you say no?

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