Grian - Oneshot - Risk Everything To Save You

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Contains: Winged!Grian, Winged!Reader, Fluff, Near Death Experience, Reader Being Shot (accidentally), Brief Description Of Injuries

Oh it was one of your favourite things in the world to do.
You were one of two on the server to be gifted wings, meaning you didn't need an elytra to fly.

The other winged hermit was Grian, who you were close to.
Very close.
In fact the two of you had been in a relationship for some time.

Despite this the two of you didn't get to fly together very often.
You worked on separate projects, which took up a lot of time.
Other than that your time together was spent grounded, around the house or with friends.
Flying together wasn't something that happened often.

So days like today were special.
Ones reserved specifically for the two of you to fly together.
And, as always, it was heaven.

You've already been up in the air with him for almost an hour, messing around, racing, doing tricks.
It was fun, just like it always was.

But today something had gone wrong.
There had been a few hermits brushing up on their bow skills.
Grian didn't know about it, neither did you.

All it took was one arrow.
Out of the sky you fell.

Falling was never something you enjoyed.
With flying there was so much control, so much precision.
You can't remember the last time you fell.

Now it's all you can think about.
The wind rushes past you, the air unforgiving as it whistles in your ears, offering you no resistance, no comfort.

As you fall faster and faster toward the ground Grian gains more speed.
His arms are outstretched, he shouts for you, but you can't hear him.

You're scared.

You must be close now, your adrenaline hides all pain from the arrow wound.
What's coming will be so much worse.

The wind stops howling, you find yourself in complete silence.
Yet still so aware of what is to come.

Except it doesn't, no.
You feel no impact, no pain.
The world is dark for while.
But, gradually, the silence lifts.

You can hear people in the distance.
Searching for them is hard since you can't see.
Their voices get louder as you search.

Suddenly there is light.
You can feel.
Something has changed.

You're laid on a soft surface, there is a familiar pressure on your hand.
One that's comforting.
That reminds you of home.

"You're home. You're safe. I'm going to look after you." Grian's voice is clear and close.
He isn't far away.

You want to call out to him but you still feel so heavy.
You hear a knock, footsteps.
Someone else is here.

"Is Y/n okay?" Another familiar voice. Mumbo.
"They're injured, recovering. An arrow that close to the base of the wing could have been fatal. Let alone the impact they nearly had."

"I heard, you caught them just in time." He caught you.
Grian caught you.
He risked himself for you.

"It was close.. I nearly didn't have time. I'm glad that at least they were unconscious at the end, they didn't have to feel it." You can tell he's upset.
His thumb rubs your hand slowly, you can feel a small drop land beside it.

His thumb wipes it away.
It hurts you to know Grian is crying.
"I was so scared Mumbo." He whispers, "I thought I was going to lose Y/n. I couldn't let that happen, no matter the consequence for me. I can't lose them."

He cries more now, thumb no longer moving across your hand.
You have to let him know you're okay.

With any strength you can pull together you squeeze your hand, it takes a tremendous amount of effort but you manage.
Even though it's not much it's enough, Grian sniffling as he realises what has happened.

"Y/n?" He asks, you hear him lean closer.
You focus on gathering as much energy as you can, managing to slowly open your eyes.
You can't open them fully, but you can enough to see his face.

His eyes are red and puffy, hair a mess. His face is scratched on the left side.
You can't see any other injuries now but you know there has to be more.
"Grian." Your voice is hoarse, having not had anything to drink in a while.

But it doesn't matter.
Grian tears up again, a smile breaking out on his face.
"You're awake. I'm so glad you're awake." He sobs.

"I'll go tell the others." Mumbo says, you see Grian nod, but his eyes stay on you.
He reaches over to the side, his hand coming back into view holding a glass of water.
Sure enough he has more injuries, small cuts and a number of bruises.
He must have landed on his left side after he caught you.

Realising you don't have the strength he helps you to drink, something which feels so good after going without it.

"You have no idea how worried I've been. I haven't left your side." He states, now rubbing your hand once again. "I knew you weren't gone. I caught you in time. But I was so scared it might still happen."

You can't imagine how it must have been for him.
One minute you were flying beside him, the next you were plummeting to the ground with no control. Even though he caught you you were still injured, still unconscious.

But if it wasn't for Grian you'd have ended up a lot worse.
Potentially with no hearts left at all.

"Thank you." You manage to say, which causes the winged man to laugh quietly.
"You don't have to thank me, Y/n. I love you. I love you and I wasn't going to let that be it. I couldn't lose you. I'm injured too, yes, but you're here, you're safe. I couldn't ask for any more than that." His eyes are soft, his smile genuine.

He really did risk everything for you.
"Yeah?" He asks, squeezing your hand just a little bit tighter.
"I love you too."

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