Autumn with Cleo headcanons

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Contains: Fluff

- Cleo loves spooky season

- Jack o Lanterns galore

- Cleo always hollows out the pumpkins since you don't like the way the seeds feel

- Your entire house is lit by Jack o Lantern
And the path to the house
No exceptions.

- It usually doesn't stop at your house either

- You and Cleo play a game in your house, taking turns to hide a small Pumpkin Teddy and waiting to see how long it takes the other to find it

- Last time you found it Cleo has somehow managed to stuff it in a vase filled with preserved flowers
They were higher than they should have been

- It took you some time to get the plushie out of there

- The two of you tend to get others involved as well

- One year Jevin got involved and that nearly ended in the destruction of both bases
Thankfully it didn't get that far

- It's all in good fun

- Autumn comes with rain, which means plenty of rainy days by the fire

- The two of you have quite the book collection, so rainy days means reading

- Sometimes Cleo will read to you
Sometimes you will read to Cleo

- Another rainy day activity you both enjoy is puzzles

- You'll both sit in the light of a Jack o Lantern (or 5) and puzzle together

- You even have a fancy puzzle table so your progress can be preserved

- A few years back it was discovered it would be easier to make your own candles for the Jack o Lanterns
Not that you stopped at tea lights

- Cleo's favourites are the Pumpkin shaped candles with carved faces
A reminder of the Jack o Lanterns the two of you have made together

- More than a few hermits have been tricked by custom candle shenanigans

- Doc once even took a bite from a candle that looked like a slice of apple pie
The funniest part was it wasn't even that convincing of a candle

- Turns out most hermits will take a bite of something that looks like food without testing it first
It's surprising how many will do it twice

- The best thing about Autumn is that it's the start of cozy season with Cleo
That you'll always be grateful for

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