Scar - Drabble - A Sacrifice Worth Making

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Based On Last Life

Contains: Fluff 


Scar's sudden appearance next to you was all it took for you to know something was wrong.
"It happened again." He frowns.
You sigh. You knew it would.

You knew making so many deals would have repercussions, but you had decided to let Scar's business be Scar's businesses.

Scar was now down to his last life.

"I went like they asked and it got me killed." You look at the list of names in the book in your inventory.
You know Scar won't last long with his final life.

You know what you have to do.
"Scar, come here."

His expression saddens, he knows what you're going to do.
"You don't have to." His voice is soft, something only you get to experience.

"I know," you state, "now come here." You hold out both of your hands for him to take.
Scar reaches out, but hesitates.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"I am." You reassure him.
Others may not be so willing to help out, and it if wasn't Scar you wouldn't either.
But it is Scar.
And you want to do this.

Scar places his hands in yours.
"I trust you." You say as you close your eyes.
You feel the air around you start to stir, it's cold, encapsulating the two of you.

You open your eyes once the air stops increasing in speed, the magic in full effect.
It fully surrounds the two of you, the colours a brilliant green and a bright gold. The magic wraps around your arms, travelling down to where your hands join with Scar's, where it comes to a stop.

"I give you, Scar, one of my lives."
The magic now moves from your hands onto his, travelling up his arms as it had yours.
The magic visibly absorbs into him from there, Scar's nametag turning yellow as you're sure yours is too.

This is the first life you've lost all season, being careful to keep all three that you were given in tact.

Scar, knowing this, is quick to pull you into a hug once the magic is gone and the colours surrounding you disappear.

His next words are hushed but filled with a genuine feeling of happiness, a drastic change from the anger and sadness of being betrayed not so long before.
"Thank you."

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