Drabble - Scar Picks You Up For A Date

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Contains: Fluff

You open the door to your base, surprise written all over Scars face. He looks at his hand, still raised and in the knocking position, then looks back at you.

"How did you know I was here?" He asks.
You reach forward, straightening his hat.
"I heard you crash, was it into my tree again?" You ask, fixing his jacket next.

"No-" Scars lips form his signature smirk, "it was the ground. I didn't quite stick the landing" he chuckles.
There are many things you admire about scar, his ability to laugh off his clumsiness is one of them.

"Where are we going then, Mr. Goodtime?" "Oh, if I told you that Y/n I'd have to kill you." He threatens playfully.

"You wouldn't." You smile.
"Yes I would." He frowns, altering his stance to make himself look slightly taller.
"No, you wouldn't."

He hangs his head, "No, I wouldn't. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't try." The two of you pull out your swords in synchrony, laughing at the idea of actually fighting. "Anyway, it's a surprise. Now come on, we have a date to get to." His eyes twinkle as he speaks to you, holding out his hand for you to take.

This is going to be a good day.

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