Grian - Oneshot - How We Got Here

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Contains: Fluff, Winged!Grian, Winged!Reader

You think back on the first time you met Grian, remembering how you got to this point.

"Oh you should meet my friend, he's a bird hybrid too!" Scar had been so excited you had agreed.
You didn't want to let him down.
He never let you down.

Two weeks later and there you were, walking beside the salesman.
"Trust me." Most people wouldn't trust those words, but you did. You still do.
You'd known Scar a long time.

He worked hard to shed his reputation for you.
He was not going to ditch all that now to play some silly little prank on you.
At the time you had hoped not.

The idea of meeting another bird hybrid was.. terrifying.
You hadn't met another of your kind since you came to these lands.
You'd met all kinds of others, but you had thought you were the only bird.

"It's just around here." Scar stated, noticing as you slowed down. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just nervous."
"You've got nothing to be nervous about. The two of you will get along, I know it." A smile rested upon his lips, no mischievous smirk in sight.

"Okay." You said, breathing slowly in an attempt to calm your nerves.
The two of you began to walk again, rounding the corner.

At first you hadn't seen him, the sun blinding.
But once your eyes adjusted you were awestruck.

His back was turned, allowing you a good look at his wings.
Parrot wings, vibrantly coloured. There were a few feathers missing, but on the whole they were perfect.

"Grian!" Scar greeted his friend, the man turning around.
His eyes didn't travel to Scar, finding you first.

You felt his gaze on you, he looked you up and down first, but his eyes ultimately landed on your own wings.
Like his yours were well cared for, beautiful in their own right.

He walked over, extending his hand.
You were hesitant back then, but shook it anyway.
"I'm Grian." He introduced himself so calmly, which didn't help your nerves.
"Y/n, I'm Y/n." You had replied, not quite coming off quite as carefree.

"You're a (bird) hybrid, aren't you?" Grian asked, eyes travelling to your wings once more.
"I am, and you're a parrot hybrid. Your wings are beautiful." You remember how his eyes lit up.

"Thank you, yours are too. Truly." His smile genuine, "Oh, I know. How about we show our wings at full extension?" He was clearly excited, so you agreed.

"Okay, you first." Grian had backed up slightly before spreading his wings.
They were so much prettier, backed by the sun his wings were possibly the most beautiful things you had ever seen.

At that moment you knew that he was the one for you.
"Your turn!" He had pulled you out of your trance, watching as you repeated what he had just done.

The sun highlighted each feather, bringing out the most subtle and usually hidden of colours in your wings.
You could tell Grian felt the way you did just by the look on his face.

And so the two of you had gotten to know each other, at first with others around, Scar was a big advocate for the two of you.
Soon enough you were spending time alone.

Your time spent together was amazing.
You had never flown so much in your life.
The two of you have raced countless times, improving your flight skills as time has gone on.

He asked you to be his in the air, you agreed, the two of you venturing on more romantic, yet still playful, flights from that moment on.

Which brings you to now, landing clumsily outside the home the two of you share.
You're lucky Grian used his wing to block you from landing in the flowerbed.
"You went quiet on me back there." He states, gently flapping his wings to properly stretch them out after the flight.

"Sorry, I was thinking." You reply, stretching out your own wings.
"When we first met."

Grian's eyes shine as he walks to be closer to you, brushing his fingertips against your outstretched wings.
"You were the most wonderous thing I had ever seen, your wings a perfect compliment to the rest of you. They still are."

You pull him close, wrapping your arms around him, then your wings as well.
"You said exactly what I was going to about you." He hums happily.
"You're picking up my parrot habits, darling." He winks.

"Copying is not specially a parrot habit, besides I thought of it first."
"Well, I said it." He leaves you a gentle kiss on the lips, following it up with a gentle peck.

You open up your wings, giving them a little shake before letting them return to their neutral position.
You watch as Grian stretches out his wings again, as in love with them now as you were the first time you saw them.
Although you're much more in love with him than you were then, the two of you had just met after all.

"You're staring." He smirks at he walks into the house, chuckling to himself as he does so.
When you know he can't see you you mimic him, but that quickly turns into a frown once you hear "I told you that you were picking things up."

He didn't even see you.
Then again you do it every time, it's not like he doesn't know at this point.
"Are you coming?" He calls.

You roll your eyes, a smile on your face.
You can't imagine life without him now, the two of you make the perfect pair.

"I'm coming." You smile to yourself, you're happier now than you've ever been.
You were so worried the first time you met Grian.
But it led you here.

For that you couldn't be more grateful, to Grian for everything he's done since that day, and to Scar for making it possible in the first place.
You and Grian were simply meant to be.
After all, they do say birds of a feather flock together.
In this case that couldn't be more true.

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