Ren - Drabble - His Reign's Downfall

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Contains: Angst

"Are you nervous?" Cub asks, straightening his tie the best he can in the mirror beside you.

"Of course I am, everything rides on today." You look yourself over in the mirror, the all white outfit adorned with tiny glistening diamonds not exactly what you had envisioned for a day like today.

"There is only one hope for this kingdom, and it's you." Cleo says, resting their hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah, no pressure." You grimace, Joe appearing in the doorway.
"It's time." He says.

You nod, taking one last look at your hideous outfit before leaving the room.

You can hear a skulk sensor go off, music starting to play as you near the entrance to the throne room.
Perfect redstone, likely from the one and only BdoubleO himself.

You take in a deep breath and force a smile onto your face as you see the room for the first time.
Your nerves go through the roof, you never wanted to do this.
But it's the only way.

As Joe walks you down the aisle you can feel everyone's eyes on you.
It's only the whole kingdom, each one of your soon to be loyal subjects.
Providing this all goes well.

You know what rides on today, what rides on this ceremony.
You have to do it.

The music stops as you do, Bdubs clearing his throat.
"Ladies, Gentlemen and Hermits of all kinds, we are gathered here today to witness the wedding of King Ren and Y/n."

Your throat feels dry and scratchy as Bdubs goes on, you're both too cold and too hot.
"On with the vows!" Bdubs exclaims.

You pull out your piece of paper, having the honour of going first.
A high honour giving that you get to go before the king does.

"King Ren, I vow to you first of my devotion, one that lies with the crown and its owner. I swear to uphold my duties and to take care of Hermitcraftia, by your side or in your absence. With this ring I pledge this to you."

Ren nods approvingly, thankfully missing your plan.

"Y/n, I swear this vow to you, to thine beauty and wisdom that I do so hold dear. I knew from the moment you joined the square table that thee would mean muchly to me, and you do. So I justly go forth and vow myself to thine and thou cause, to me and to the crown."

You're left slightly confused by his words, but it doesn't matter.
The two of you exchange rings, both containing far too many diamonds.

"I hereby and henceforth pronounce you married, you may kiss." Bdubs grins.
And you do, you and Ren share a short kiss.

The people clap and cheer as Ren takes your arm, walking you toward the throne room exit.
Members of the Soup Group bow their heads as you walk by, Doc shooting you a wink.

Those that are against the King are well aware of your plan, some contributing to it.

Ren escorts you out into the royal gardens, the two of you having predetermined that you were going to do this.
You had thought of taking advantage of the situation, but it made more sense not to.
After all, Ren did have some supporters. Enough of them to pose an issue if everything wasn't perfect.

The crowd follows the two of you out, plenty of witnesses to see this all happen. No one will be able to dispute it.
Not even those most loyal to the king.

You and Ren stop under a large arch, turning to the crowd and waiting for them to settle.
It takes some encouragement from knights of the square table, but the hermits do settle down.

"My dear subjects I do bring thee one more event before thine party. I do not believe any ordinary title befitting of my love. Bdubs, if you will."
You watch as Bdubs pulls the box out of seemingly nowhere, reaching into it and pulling out the crown.

It's more than you were expecting, large gems and small ones too.
Certainly more than was necessary.
The gold snakes around them, holding them in place beautifully despite how many gems there are.
You can't deny Ren, although extravagant, knows how to design a crown.

Ren takes the crown from Bdubs, turning to you.
"On this day I hereby and henceforth pronounce thee, Y/n, co-ruler of the realm. By my side or in my absence may you carry out your royal duties with upmost courage and serve Hermitcraftia from now onwards."

Carefully he places the crown atop your head, being met with an abundance of cheers.
You smile and wave to what are now also your subjects, getting a nod of approval from Cub.

The hard part is over now, that you're relieved about.
The rest won't be easy, but the worst of it is over.
Now you've married him and been crowned all that remains is to overthrow him. To liberate the kingdom from the rule of the mad King Ren and bring peace to Hermitcraftia once again.

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