Mumbo - Oneshot - Run Away With Me

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Based on Last Life.

Contains: Angst, Mentions of Death, Death (not permanent) (no detailed description), Fluff

You stand, completely frozen in place.
You hadn't expected him to be outside.

"I've been looking for you, Y/n." His voice is calm, one you recognise well.
But you don't trust him.
You can't trust him.

"You can't be here. You are exiled." Mumbo frowns at your words.
"But I live here, I live here with you."

You sigh.
"No, Mumbo, you don't." You draw your sword. "You have been exiled from the Southlands. You do not live here."

He steps closer, no weapon drawn.
"Please, Y/n.. I miss you." His expression is soft, sad.
"You can't miss me. You have no morals, no feelings. You are a red name. You and I can not be together, just like you can't be here."

He takes another step closer.
"Then come with me. Come with me and we can be together."

"No, we can't. You're a red name. I'm a yellow name."
"We were happy before.." another step.

"You were a yellow name before. It was okay then. But we can't be together now. We can't be happy." He furrows his eyebrows in deep though.
He takes another step closer to you, still not drawing his weapon.

"Mumbo stop. You have to stop. I don't want to hurt you."
"You still love me, you can't deny that you do. Come with me." He holds out his hand, which lingers just beside the blade of your sword.
His expression is full of hope, but how can you be sure of his true intentions?

"What would we do, you're a red name. You'll have to kill me eventually. If you want to survive you'll have to."
A smile forms on his face.
"You can join me. You can become a red name too, we can win together."

You want to believe him so badly, you want to believe there is a chance that will happen.
"This only ends when one person remains."

"It doesn't have to. We can do it together. Just come with me, we'll make you a red life and then together we can win." It's a tempting offer, you long for his words to ring true.

You lower your sword, turning slowly to look at the Southlands.
"I'll lose my home, my friends. They exiled you they'll exile me too."

"The Southlands is falling apart. Everything is going to change. If you hold on you'll be the only one left." It pains you to know his words are true.
Your time here is limited.
It always has been.

"We can find somewhere to live, just us. Away from harm. Where no one can take our final lives."
"Do you really think it will work?" You turn back to look at him now.

Mumbo takes your free hand with his opposite one, placing his other hand on your cheek.
His hands are cold, at least colder than yours, one of the physical effects of being on your final life.

"I believe anything can work. I just need you to join me. So tell me, Y/n, will you?" His expression is hopeful, not what you would expect to see from a red name.

"Please." He begs, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.
His touch is so soft, so familiar.
You don't want it to end.

"What about my life?" He gives you a sad smile.
"If you can't do it yourself I'll help you. I'll do anything for us to be together, give me the word and I'll do it."
"Not here." Mumbo, nods.

You put away your sword, pushing past Mumbo and toward the river marking the end of the Southlands territory.

Once you're out of the Southlands you turn to Mumbo.
"How do I know you won't take my life, my gear and leave?" You ask.
"You don't. You have to trust me."

You place down a bed, setting your spawn.
At least that way you'll be here when you respawn for the final time.

"If I do this you promise we'll go off together. Find somewhere secluded, defend our home and win this thing together?" You look toward the Southlands, the flags flying high.
"I promise."

You nod.
You throw down your shield and pass Mumbo your enchanted diamond sword.
You take off your armour as well, wanting this death to be as quick and as painless as possible.

"If you betray me Mumbo I will not hesitate to hunt you down, to take your final life. I might love you, but I will not be betrayed." He looks surprised, for to to be stood before him with no armour, no shield, no weapon, and yet you're still threatening his final life.

"I won't betray you. If I wanted to hurt you I would have started with that." You take in a deep breath and nod.

"Okay. I trust you, Mumbo. This is for us." He reaches out with his empty hand, pulling you close.

"For us." He repeats, tears streaming down his face as he takes your yellow life.

He drops the sword, falling to his knees beside the bed.
He closes his eyes, waiting the ten painfully long seconds for you to return to this plane of existence.

Waking up you realise how cold everything feels.
You sit up, your first thought to look over at the Southlands.
Your former home.
A place you can never go again.

You stand, turning around.
He's still here.
"Mumbo." His eyes snap open.

"Y/n.." he stands, almost tripping over the bed as he rushes to hug you.
He no longer feels cold to you, but then again now you're on your last life the two of you match temperature as well as name colour.

He passes you all of your items, watching as you pull your armour back on, sorting out your inventory.
As soon as your done he grabs your face, pressing his lips to yours.

"Thank you. You gave up a life for me." You wipe the tears from his face, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
"I did it because I love you."
He smiles, a more genuine smile than you'd have expected before, but now you know what it's like to be a red life.

You know now that red lives aren't as you once thought. You know they're capable of feeling, just as everyone else is.
You were lied to.
Told they couldn't feel, told they were ruthless killers.

And now you are one you know why they're killers.
Because of everyone else.

"Let's go have that life we talked about, Mumbo." He grins, taking you by the hand.
You hope for the best.

Whatever this final life brings you have Mumbo.
As long as the two of you are together nothing can stop you.

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