Mumbo - Oneshot - Set Up

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Contains: Flirting, Falling in a hole

You knock on the door, waiting patiently for an answer.
Coming over to see Mumbo hadn't been on your list of things to do today, but when you left your house and saw the sign reading
I have something important to tell you, come over asap - Mumbo
Well, you knew then villager trading would have to wait.

The trip wasn't long, at least not now. A couple of days ago the journey would have been a nightmare, luckily you've snagged an elytra since then.

The door opens, and you come face to face with an awfully surprised Mumbo.
"Hey- uhh.. did you need something?" Mumbo asks.
His confusion leads to your confusion.

"I, you wanted to see me?" You ask.
"I do? Well, I mean I do, I always do, but I didn't- Wait, why are you here?"

"You left a sign outside my house." You state.
Mumbo's expression becomes even more confused.

"I didn't leave a sign at your house."
"Oh, well there was definitely a sign." You fold your arms over one another.

"I believe you, anyway, since you're here we might as well do something."
"Like what?" You ask him.
Mumbo furrows his eyebrows. "I didn't think that far ahead." He laughs nervously.

"Well what were you doing before I got here, we can start there." Mumbo nods, walking with you to the back of his house.
"Before you got here I was just working on a new room. It's not finished yet, it has a main entrance and a ground entrance so just-"Mumbo is cut off, you don't even realise what's happened.

You push yourself up slightly, rolling over so you're laid on your back.
Mumbo is peering down into the shallow hole, face red from embarrassment.

"I was going to say watch your step, but it's a little late for that." He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.
"That would have been helpful to know before I fell." You laugh.

Mumbo crouches down, stretching out his hand.
You sit up, taking a hold of him and allowing him to pull you up and help you out of the hole.
"You know," he smirks once you're out, "You didn't have to literally fall for me."

You stare at him, face going redder than you're sure it already was after your tumble.
His smirk turns into a smug look as he steps around the hole, pulling you with him and toward his build.
All you can think about is what he said, does he know you like him?
Surely not.
It's not that obvious. Maybe.

"So, this is the entrance. The official one. This door is one of a kind." He presses the button, and it opens up.
It really is a lovely mechanic.

"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He says.
You turn to look at him, you want to see the look of awe on his face.

You do see that, although it's not aimed in the direction of the door.
Instead he looks at you.
Your face heats up once again, his cheeks also gain a light pink colour.

He says nothing more about it, instead changing his attention and guiding you through into the build.
You follow beside him, listening to each explanation.

He explains each design detail with such passion, something that strikes you as odd for someone who will tell you they're not a builder.
He's thought of everything, no batter how big or small the build is fully thought and and has been brought to life.

"I'm proud of it." He smiles, turning to you for your opinion.
"You should be, it's really nice." His smile grows with your words.

"It is, I'm chuffed to bits with how it turned out. Even more so now I know that you like it even half as much as I like you." He winks.
Your cheeks heat up again.
This isn't any kind of coincidence at this point.

"Mumbo?" he hums to let you know he's paying attention. "Are you flirting with me?"
"Me? Flirting." He laughs, suddenly turning deadly serious. "Is it a bad thing if I am?"

"No, no, not at all. It's welcome, from you I mean, if it was anyone else I wouldn't, you know-" Your words are all mumble jumbled, none of them seem to want to come out.

"I know." He grins. "So, since you've clocked my likely less than subtle hinting, uhh. Well, it'd be rude of me to not ask you on a date now."
"Name a date and a time and it'll happen."
"Tomorrow, at 6."
"Done and done." Mumbo smiles.
You do too.

"I'll let you finish things of here then, since you're going to be busy for part of tomorrow." Mumbo nods.
"Good idea, I'll see you tomorrow then."
"See you tomorrow, Mumbo." You lean over, placing a gentle kiss on Mumbo's cheek.

You watch as his smile grows, waving as you walk out the same way you came in.
Once he's out of sight you take off in the direction of your house, feeling completely untouchable.

You feel weightless as you soar through the air, landing perfectly out front of your house.

"Good show." You spin on your heel, eyes meeting Grian's.
He walks toward you, clapping.

"What are you on about, G?" Your invincible feeling fades as he comes to stand before you.
He takes out his axe, lifting it high above his head.

But it doesn't come toward you. Instead it hits the sign beside you, shattering it.
Grian picks it up.

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to actually go. Or Mumbo to be so forward. Or you to come out of it with a date tomorrow." He has an incredibly smug smirk plastered on his face, crossing his arms and leaning against your custom tree.

"You wrote that sign!" He nods.
"Sure did." Grian grins. "You're not allowed to complain. You got what you want, Mumbo got what he wants, I get what I want."
"And what do you want?" He pushes himself away from the tree.

"For my two best friends to stop dancing around each other and get together already." You can feel your cheeks heating up for the.. well at this point you've lost count of how many times it's been.

"Thanks Grian." You smile.
"You're welcome. I'm glad to have been the wingman." He smirks, firing more rockets than anyone has ever needed and taking off.
You watch as he disappears, shaking your head.
Grian is something else entirely.
But hey, he did get you a date with Mumbo.

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