Impulse - Oneshot - At Long Last

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Contains: Fluff, A Couple Kisses, Boatem causing mischief

Today had started like any other, you woke up, got ready for the day and got to work on the giga base.
Unlike most other days you found yourself surrounded by all but one of the other Boatem members.

They had dropped in around you all at once from who even knows where and demanded your attention at once.
You had been presented with a book written in code, one you couldn't fully decipher, and told to sign it.

Without much of a choice you had done, Pearl taking you by one arm and Mumbo by the other.
They had walked you to the boatem hole, taking you down and shutting you in a large empty room, aside from two chairs, with a tinted glass window.

"Take a seat." A voice calls from the window. You recognise it as Scar's, he and the others must be behind the glass.
You do as you're told, sitting in one of the two chairs.

"Bring him in." Scar's voice calls again.
It's an eerie command, a hidden door at the other side of the room sliding open.
It reveals Impulse, the only boatem member to be missing from the start.
Pearl pushes him into the room before the door slides shut.

At first he doesn't notice you're there, trying to see if he can open the door from the inside of the room.
He's good at redstone yes but Mumbo matches him and that's without the others for building.
The room would not open that easily.

When he finally notices you you cast your eyes down, hoping he didn't notice you staring.
You hear him walk over, the chair opposite you scraping along the floor, an indication that he's now sitting across from you.
Which turns out to be true when you look up.

The two of you share a glance, an expression of confusion. But it doesn't last long before you both draw your eyes away.

Silence falls, you steal the occasional glance at Impulse but spend most of your time staring at the tinted glass.
What were the others thinking?

You know they're there watching. Why wouldn't they be?
They brought you here and locked you in a room with the devilishly handsome Impulse.

Only now does it dawn on you why you're here.
Why Impulse is here too.

You look in the opposite direction of your friend, face turning red as you realise.
But how can you say anything?

Sure you have deep rooted feelings for the man but how can you tell him that?
You've spent the entire time you've lived in Boatem trying to skate around your feelings.

Now you're here, locked in a room with no sign of escape.
You're here because they know, the others know.
But just telling Impulse isn't that easy.

You shift, suddenly uncomfortable with how you're sitting in the chair. Changing position is the only option.
As you glance over at Impulse you find your eyes meeting his.
He's the one to look away first.

But he's also the one to say something.
"So, what now?" You can tell he's thinking, the usually bubbly tone he speaks with replaced with a lower more casual voice.
One you've heard a few times, one that will never get old. His natural voice.

"I don't know." You say, only to be corrected by a disembodied voice.
"Yes you do." Grian's quip catches the attention of the man inside the room with you, who now stares at the glass.

"What do you mean?" He asks, only to be met with silence.
Which turns his attention to you.

"I can't tell you." You look away in an effort to not let him see the blush making its way onto your face.
"Come on, if you know the way out of here why don't you just share and we can leave?"

The glass catches your eye, the light bouncing off of it.
In its reflection you can see yourself and you can see Impulse.
It's just the two of you, his head turned in your direction, his focus on you.

If only it were under different circumstances, you'd find yourself flushed either way.
You wish that the image that was reflected, the one created in your mind was reality.
That you would find yourself sat beside him somewhere nice, just the two of you.

Your mind races with thoughts and possibilities, all the things you have wanted, all the things you do want.
You do want those things, those romantic scenes you've thought about, being able to spend time with Impulse and be open about your feelings.

You want him to know that you love him.
You want to tell him.
You will.

You stand, pulling your eyes away from the glass, from the imaginary world, and turn to the very real Impulse who is still looking at you.
Why you decided to stand up, you're unsure, but it would be awkward to sit back down now.

"I know why we're in here. At least why I'm in here. It must be so obvious to the four other members of out little community."
"Boatem is a business move-"
"Not now Mumbo." You send a stern look in the direction of the glass, hoping you've looked at the former CEO of Boatem.

"Boatem may be a business move, it may be a community, I don't know and I don't care. But I am grateful for it. I'm grateful because I get to spend so much time with you." Impulse looks a little baffled for a second, but he seems to quickly cotton on to where you're headed with your little speech.

"Y/n, you don't have to do this here." He states.
"Yes you do." Scar's voice fills the room.
"No they don't." Impulse stands now. "Y/n I love you."

Your attention is on him in a second.
Did he just?..
Surely not.

He takes a hold of your hands. "I love spending time with you, being around you. I only ever joined Boatem because I knew you were here. I never said anything because I didn't think you felt the same-"

His words are cut off, mainly by your impatience.
You've waited so long for this moment, for this kiss.
It's short, but it says more than you ever could.

Impulse smiles, still holding your hands he pulls you closer to him.
"I love you too." You finally say, although it's been more than proven at this point.

"Be mine?" All that's needed is a nod, the two of you sharing another kiss, which is unfortunately interrupted.

"Interesting show." Grian snickers.
You turn around, seeing all four other Boatem members in the door you had originally come through.

"At long last." Scar sighs, "it only took the two of you.. two seasons?" He smirks.
"Yeah this has been going on since Season 6. I thought it was never going to happen." Mumbo adds, which is the final straw for you.

"Oh that's it, you're all in for it." Mumbo's eyes widen, Scar shifting to stand behind Grian and Pearl, the two of whom share a knowing look and a giggle.
You start to march in their direction, the cheek of the lot of them.

But you're stopped.
"Me now, them later." Impulse says, his voice soft, calming.
You relax as he pulls you back against his chest, but gesture to the other Boatem members that you're watching them.

They all back out of the room, leaving the door open this time.
You and Impulse leave the room, surprised to find that it was built into the company sports horse garage.

Once out in the open with no other hermits in sight he takes a hold of your hand, the two of you enjoying your first moment outside in the world as a couple.

It's nice, the world seems a little more vibrant than it did before.
Your base, Impulse's base next door which then connects to all the other Boatem hermits.

Noticing your focus being drawn to the others' bases Impulse leans toward you.
His voice is a whisper as he tells you "we'll get them back soon."
"Yes we will," you reply with a small laugh, "yes we will."

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