Zedaph - Oneshot - Elytra Racing Finals

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Contains: Fluff, Fluff!, Impulse and Tango are up to no good (well...)

The heat of the afternoon air was beginning to wear off, your hands covered in dirt from tending to your flowerbeds when your communicator buzzed.

With a playful roll of your eyes you patted the dirt in front of you. "I hope this is important." You say to the small stem poking out of the ground.

You smile at the silliness of you talking to your garden, even though it happens a lot.
It just helps the plants to grow a little better. Well, that and the de-weeding you've made a good start on.

You wipe off some of the dirt onto your clothes, picking up the small device to see who was messaging you at such a time.
Seeing a notification from your good friend Impulse you opened it up.

ImpulseSV: Hey Y/n, you still coming to watch the game this evening?

The game, yes. The elytra race.
The finale is tonight, and it's going to be a good one.
You've always watched it with your friends, either Impulse or Tango usually held it at one of their homes and it was a little group meet up and a chance to watch the two of them get very excited.

For you elytra racing was fun, but you enjoyed the time with your friends much more.
Speaking of, you typed your response.

Y/n: Of course I will be, you know I wouldn't miss it

You don't get chance to put your communicator down before he replies, prompting a short exchange between the two of you.

ImpulseSV: Great! I hope you don't mind but we have someone else joining us tonight as well

Y/n: Not at all. Are we still good for 5?

Impulse: We are, I'll see you then

Y/n: See you then Impy

With that you put your communicator in your pocket, giving a thumbs up to your plants before heading inside to get ready.

After a well needed wash and a change of clothes you put on your own elytra and flew off in the direction of Impulse's base.
It's a long walk from yours, thankfully you have wings which makes the distance seem much shorter.

You land not the most gracefully outside of Impulse's, knocking on the door.
It swings open not seconds later and your greeted with a large smile and a hug.

"I can't believe this is the last race of the season." You state as Impulse let's you go, letting you into the house.
"I know, we're going to have to come up with some other excuse to hang out now." He chuckles.

"You know as well as I do that we don't need an excuse."
"Y/n's right, we don't. It never stopped us before." Tango's voice has a serious yet playful tone as he too hugs you tight.

"I suppose you're right." Impulse smiles sheepishly.
Tango lets you go and steps out of the doorway, the two of them following you into to the next room.

"Oh, yeah, introductions." You hear Tango mutter behind you.
As you pass through the kitchen and enter the living room you finally see the other person that has been invited today.

His messy blonde hair frames his face, brown button up tucked neatly into his blue denim trousers, not that you can tell if they are denim.
His footwear, although it looks heavy duty, doesn't unbalance the ensemble at all.

He's incredibly pretty, and that thought causes blood to rush to your cheeks and your whole body to heat up.

Tango and Impulse almost push you over to where the mystery man is sitting, until you're right in front of him.

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