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Xiao zhan who has just opened his eyes and saw the strange expensive room he was in, the bed he was sleeping on, he is perfectly sure that even selling his assistant he is owning now and sell himself too, he will never afford the bed he was sleeping on, the room is big as his whole apartment he used to live until two weeks ago when he found himself in this place he will never call home, the place he will never receive the freedom and happiness he used to have.

Xiao zhan was well aware the governor is a well known figure and never once in his life had he dreamt of coming near or crossing paths with him, or even standing beside him nor talking to him. His adoptive parents were rich and has the ability to meet the young and we'll known handsome governor, he heard rumors that his brother chen lu has something to do with the governor, it is said that the two are in a relationship, but it has never been confirmed even though the two are seen together, going out to have dinner or something and the governor visiting the chen family once in a while. Xiao zhan has never had the chance to meet Wang yibo.

But then this fateful day, it was xiao zhan adoptive mother birthday, since the family is well known and very influential, the chen so chose to host the birthday party on a very expensive restaurant, the governor as expected was invited and some other famous and influential families. People from the rich knew better Wang yibo is a multi billionaire, he owns different kinds of businesses all over the world, also now he is a governor and he is very influential too. They knew well even now when Wang yibo decided to vie for presidency, he will able to win without much struggle.

The influential families knew better who to support, and they will try every means to get on Wang yibos good side. Xiao zhan knew when he fails to attend his adoptive mother's birthday even if he didn't receive any invitation card, he will be in deep trouble and be accused of being unfilial son who never appreciates chen family, even after getting a house to live in and getting provided for, though xiao zhan knew deep-down he was starved, never given expensive or good clothes and other things like his brother chen lu, never even once has anyone in the chen family remembers his birthday. Even though he will attend the birthday party, he will be scolded and treated as an outsider, being blamed as to why he showed his pathetic poor self at the party, so as to humiliate the chen family and tell other families that they never treated him well.

Xiao zhan remembers vividly well that day he decided to attend her mother's birthday party, he didn't expect that to be the greatest mistake he ever made in his life, arriving at the party, xiao zhan didn't know the governor will be invited at the birthday party. Xiao zhan who is always a good child and filial to his parents decided to attend the party. Asking for a day off from the small hotel he works as a chef, he bought a suit which wasn't that expensive, but it costed a fortune, he even went to the barbershop to have his hair set just to his liking, checking the balance left in his account, xiao zhan sighed, it looks like he needs to find more jobs now, else he will not have money for rent and other necessities too.

Xiao zhan remembers he arrived at the birthday party venue, the security was tight,xiao zhan was stopped from going inside, since he didn't have an invitation card.

"You can't go inside without an invitation card, you must be having an ulterior motives, get lost!" A body shouted while looking at xiao zhan sharply and with disgust, zhan bite his lower lip and sighed, xiao zhan is well aware these bodyguards clearly recognises him, they're just pretending not to know him, they seem to get used to bullying and looking down on him just like the chens. Even if he is a young master from the chen family, he has no authority and couldn't be respected by anyone working for the chen family.

"I...I'm not a stranger and i don't have any ulterior motives, please let me go inside." Zhan answered while looking at the bodyguards standing in front of him.

"Get lost or we will have to kick you out and call the police for trespassing!" Another bodyguard threatened making xiao zhan to tremble in fear and swallow hard. He never wanted to come here in the first place, but then he couldn't just go away, when today it's actually her mother's birthday, he even bought a gift for her mother and it cost a lot of money! He can't just let his hard work go to waste!.

"I...i." Zhan stuttered and yelped when he was suddenly roughly picked up and thrown outside, xiao zhan groaned in pain when his hand got scratched by the concrete ground, zhan who was thrown outside didn't mind about his scratched hand which was slightly bleeding, he immediately ran towards towards the gift that was properly wrapped which was thrown away when he was thrown to the ground not so nicely. But then he was almost ran over by a car when he was about to pick up his gift, the car came to an abrupt stop, zhan heart stopped for a minute, he almost met the scary king of hell king yama!.

A man came out of the car and immediately approached xiao zhan who was standing without moving, his hand tightly holding the gift.

"Are you alright?" A deep voice asked making xiao zhan who was frozen to blink his eyes, he then turned around without looking who was standing in front of him, zhan bowed his head and asked for forgiveness. He didn't want to create unnecessary attention, but it seems like he did.

"I am sorry sir, i didn't mean to be in your way, please forgive me." Zhan who was very scared for offending someone so rich asked for forgiveness his face pale.

"Its okay, what are you doing here? Are you also here for the birthday party?" The voice asked again, xiao zhan lifted his head and his eyes went wide when he saw who it was standing in front of him! It looks so unreal! The governor wasted his precious time to stand in front of him to ask for his well being and didn't seem to disgusted with him! Xiao zhan was about to answer since he was so shocked and nervous, he was biting his lower lip when another voice was heard behind them, it was chen lu.

Yibo you're here, ....oh xiao zhan your also here, however how did you get here? Did you. ..." Chen lu who was already not happy seeing xiao zhan, the unwanted and useless child standing beside Wang yibo asked. Wang yibo only deserves to be standing beside him, not this unwanted child! They have been a perfect pair since they were kids until now!.

"Chen lu you're here, do you know him?" Yibo smiled lightly and approached chen lu, who nodded his head.

"He is my friend, i invited him here." Chen lu who will never recognise xiao as a member of his perfect family answered, he will never let a useless and a stain from his family destroy his interest, chen lu welcomed Wang yibo, then looked at xiao zhan who was following behind with disgust, he always steals his limelight since he was little, he wondered why his parents adopted such a jinx!.

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