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Wang yibo just as a good big brother hugged Chen lu and coaxed him, such a good and naive boy should choose the people he interact with well, Chen lu regarded xiao zhan as a friend but that shameless bitch has had plans all along! He should make that xiao zhan pay for what he did!.

Two weeks later

Xiao zhan life returned to normal, the tear has completely healed, he bought an ointment that he applies on the sutured tear, though it was very difficult because it's not easy for him to see on his back or reach with his hands properly, but the ointment was a great help, he resumed back to work at as a chef at the small hotel he was employed for year's.

Co-worker 1:

"Welcome back Xiao zhan, you called the boss and said you were not feeling well, what happened? Do you feel better now?"

Zhan smiled, he didn't accept his boss and co workers coming to his apartment to check on his well being, he won't tell anyone what happened to him, because one it's very traumatizing and it's better to forget and pretend nothing happened, and two it's embarrassing to tell other's that he had a tear because he was raped without any foreplay hence getting seriously injured after he got drugged because of attending his adoptive mother's birthday party.

And that not being enough the person who assaulted him is actually a well known and can easily deal with him and he will disappear out of this world without a trace and nothing could happen, this world where power and money speaks someone like him who is just a commoner can't dare approach him.

Day's passed and the rumors completely subsided and it looks like nothi happened, luckily his boss and coworkers didn't recognize him and he doesn't have to be uncomfortable and hide, he was really thankful for that, ontop of that Wang yibo the governor never came to find him again and it looks like everything will finally return back to normal.

"I'm fine it's nothing serious, and thank you guy's for calling me every day to ask for my wellbeing, it means alot to me." Zhan answered and started his day doing his assigned after assuring his colleagues that he was really fine.

He really loves his work and enjoys cooking and for a day he forgot about the horrible thing that happened to him, but he didn't know his normal life that has just started will come to an end and a new whole life that he never expected will start.

The bodyguard who was assigned to secretly follow xiao zhan and note down zhans every day movement and doings, but not to report anything. He still remembers the day he rushed xiao zhan to the hospital because of serious bleeding and zhan was rushed to the emergency room because he had a major tear and he called his boss to inform him and he got scolded and zhan got insulted, his boss instructed him never to report anything concerning xiao zhan.

For the past two weeks that he has been following xiao zhan, he realized that xiao zhan is really different, he doesn't look like someone who is shameless and calculating just like how his boss has described him.

"He is really different, it is so unlike him to do such a thing to our boss." The bodyguard whispered, he found a remote place to park the car but it was not far from the small hotel xiao zhan work's and from time to time he comes to order something to eat which didn't seem suspicious at all bec he blended in very well.

Wang yibo has been busy and whenever he has time he goes out to play with his friend's and today wasn't an exception. But today was different Chen lu was also present, this is the first time he has ever brought Chen lu to a club to meet with his friends, and at the same time he had something to tell his friend's. He knows that people has stopped talking about the issue but still they must be waiting to see what he will do and after thinking alot he decided to marry xiao zhan, just signing the marriage certificate and no wedding will be held, just imagining holding hands and getting close with that slut disgusts him, but right now he has no choice. He has already prepared a report that will be aired after the marriage certificate are signed and will be shown too.

"It's so unlike you yibo to invite us out, sometimes you directly denies our invitation, and today you even came with your little brother." One of Wang yibo friend's said and the others accepted their friends word's. Chen lu just as usual smiled shyly but deep down he was unhappy being regarded as a brother, but he doesn't have the courage to confess his feelings to Wang yibo.

"Yeah I have something to tell you all, since that unpleasant thing happened two weeks ago and I talked with my parents and we finally came to a conclusion that I will have to marry that boy." Yibo didn't waste time but said his reason of calling his friends, Chen lu froze and the glass of juice he was holding fell down smashing into pieces.

"W-what did you say? You are going to marry that slut!" Chen lu shouted his eyes red in anger, Wang yibo and his friends were surprised with Chen lu sudden outburst, this is so unlike Chen lu, he has always been good and nice and he has never behaved like this before.

"Are you alright Chen lu? How comes you are...." One of yibo friend's asked still trying to come into terms that Chen lu will never behave like this, he was brought up well and he has always been very gentle in nature.

Chen lu who has realized what he has done slightly tensed and his expression returned to normal.

"I ....I was just surprised and I thought it was unfair for brother yibo to force himself and marry someone who is a trickster." Chen lu answered and you could even see the worry in his eyes, yibo looked at Chen lu meaningfully and looked away not saying a word.

"Did you do a background check on the boy, I saw his pictures and he doesn't really look like a bad person." One of yibos friend's said.

"Yes I think this time you must be wrong, maybe someone else really calculated you and he is innocent." Anoth added, Chen lu panicked but he immediately composed himself.

"He was my friend and I know him very well, before my mother's birthday party, he kept asking me about the governor, what he likes, if he is in a relationship and if he will be able to attend the birthday party." Chen lu said what he told Wang yibo.

"Yeah there's no need of checking, someone who looks so innocent are the most dangerous of all." Yibo supported Chen lu word's, he doesn't have any reason to doubt Chen lu word's.

Later that evening

Xiao zhan was allowed to go back home early that day since he has been sick, by six he was already on his way home, he carried some takeout the food he personally cooked at the hotel, he loves his cooking and it makes him feel satisfied with what he cooks, all of the customers has praised his good cooking and today just as usual got tips from different customers and even the boss and he is in a really good mood.

Zhan didn't bother to take the elevator instead he used the stairs, walking all the way while humming a song, zhan arrived at his door, he tried to open the door and realized that his door was wide open, and what he saw inside made him to freeze where he was standing.

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