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"Make sure to go through the report I gave you, by tomorrow make sure you have memorized your part, come downstairs for breakfast then go to my room, from today you will be sleeping in the same room as me, this way you won't be nervous or scared being close to me, also don't get the wrong idea and end falling in love with me, because I Wang yibo won't be responsible." Yibo added and left the room, zhan touched his chest and he could feel his rapid heartbeat, what is happening to him?.

His mind was still ringing and trying to process the news he has just heard, and when he realised that wang yibo has said, they're going to sleep in the same room, sleeping in the same room means sleeping on the same bed! And he was not ready to do that nor has he imagined one day in his life will he ever share a bed with that heartless man, even if he had helped him apply ointment on his abdomen earlier and acted somehow nicely even though it's strange, it's comfortable sleeping alone or with someone else but not a man named wang yibo!.

Thinking for a while he smiled, he will go downstairs for dinner and that helped him alot since he doesn't have so much money to buy food everyday and he was not sure if wang yibo will allow him to resume his normal work schedule, allowing him to eat is something good, atleast he has a heart, he will just pretend to go back to his room to get something then lock the door from inside, this way wang yibo won't come inside to force him to go to his room and sleep on the same bed together.

Xiao zhan:"Let's see how you will come inside at that time, you want to sleep on the same bed as me, it won't happen!"

Getting his phone he exited his room and headed downstairs, not far from where he was he saw the butler standing and he seems to be waiting for him.

Butler:"Sir my master is waiting for you, please follow me."

Zhan nodded his head and followed the butler closely, he saw wang yibo seated, passing him and going to find a seat to sit as long as he won't be close to this beast, he felt wang yibo gaze which gave him goosebumps all over, he didn't get far when his hand was suddenly grabbed and the next second he found himself sitting on wang yibos lap and yibos large hand wrapped around his thin waist.

He wanted to shout and cuss this pervert who went as far as even forcing him to sit on his lap without his consent which is obviously wrong, but swallowed back his words, his body was stiff he tried several times to move away because he knows actions speaks louder than word's and someone like wang yibo though he looks stupid and easily believes other people's word's, he must be smart enough to know that he is not comfortable sitting on his lap, but the next second he heard wang yibo groan and his waist got pinched.

Wang yibo:"If i were you i would stop moving and be good, because you really have no idea what kind of fire you are trying to ignite."

He was somehow confused for few seconds with wang yibo word's wondering what he meant but he froze and his face turned crimson red when he felt something hard poking him!.

Zhan:" pervert! Let me go this minute!"

Yibo:"Pervert? Who was not honest enough and kept moving his plumpy ass around?"

He was rendered speechless, he didn't expect wang yibo would scold him for something he is innocent and didn't do at all! He was only resisting because he was uncomfortable where he was seated. Well what do you expect from a pervert? He will never dare admit, he became honest and didn't dare move.

Yibo didn't expect he will react to xiao zhan, just a slight movement and his reaction was so big, this was obviously something so abnormal, something wrong was happening, he knows someone will have such a big reaction to someone he or she likes or loves and impossible! He couldn't fall in love xiao zhan! This boy did something unforgivable, well ideally it can be forgiven, but such a thing is shameless! And he must not let his heart and body sway and confuse him. He must stand firm, trying to convince himself which dient help much, he chose to ignore and silently chanted mantra hoping to help.

Yibo:"By the way don't take your mind far, this is a man's normal reaction and i could react to anyone else." Yibo convinced himsrlf, then continued to speak "You can get up and sit on any chair iam not in the moods to hold you anymore."

Xiao zhan didn't waste time but immediately got up and finally calmed down, moving about while he was being heldreally helped alot.

The two ate silently and zhan really enjoyed the food and over ate, he is a foodie and he doesn't shy off whenever it came to food. The food was delicious and yibo subconsciously ate alot by just watching xiao zhan eat with relish.

The butler who watched his master eat more than normal smiled, atleast the master ate more tonight which is a good start, he must call xiao zhan whenever it was time to eat and the master is around.

Yibo:"Eating so much and still having such a little body."

Zhan:"It's my body and food is meant for eating and as a chef iam naturally a foodie."

The dinner went well with zhan eating most of the food, he burped in satisfaction, caressing his slightly bulged tummy. If he eats like this everyday then he has no regrets maybe finding himself at the governors house wasn't that bad after all.

Zhan was the first one to get and with the way he was behaving yibo knew he must be upto something.

"Where are you going?" Yibo asked making xiao zhan to blink his eye's several times while trying to find a reason.

"Well going back to my room to get my phone." Zhan word's were quick since he was lying and he wasn't a good lier.

"Phone, but your phone is in your pocket." Yibo said making xiao zhan to force a laugher.

"Oh how stupid of me, iam just walking around to digest."

Zhan found another reason, the most important thing at the moment is go back to his room alone so that he could lock the door from inside and he believes this way he will escape sleeping together with wang yibo.

Yibo got up and held xiao zhan hand. "I also want to walk around let's go together, let's walk around the garden." Yibo word's made xiao zhan expression change.

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