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Xiao zhan saw Chen lu expression and guessed Chen lu must know something about the accident.

Zhan frowned nothing good comes out of Chen lu wherever he goes he causes trouble, he can pretend to be pitiful and innocent to other's but not him, not only did he set him up when he was young now he caused an accident and seriously injured his husband and now he shamelessly came to check!.

"Aunty uncle I will come to check on big brother once he comes out of the emergency room." Chen lu who knew if he stayed here any longer without finding a way to deal with the mess he caused at the mall then he will be in trouble and wang yibo will surely not forgive him, for year's he has been trying to win over yibo again and his persistent ended up hurting Wang yibo, in the first place he didn't mean to hurt yibo and he didn't expect his careless behavior will cause such an accident.

Xiao zhan followed Chen lu and stopped him before he could enter the elevator.

Chen lu:"What are you trying to do stopping me xiao zhan? Don't think of any weird ideas!"

"I won't do anything to you but just know whatever you did will surely come to light, don't think I don't know what you did and wang yibo ended up in the hospital!" Zhan smirked though he wasn't sure if what he said is really the truth but when he saw Chen lu panicked face and was looking around nervously like he doesn't want other's to hear what he has said he immediately came to conclusion this Chen lu was the cause of everything.

He pushed Chen lu to the wall all angry like the next moment he wanted to crush this good and heartless Chen lu into nothingness.

"Chen lu don't think I will let you go for hurting my husband, I will make sure you will pay, don't even think of using your family influence to get away with it, remember who my husband is and I can also use my husband's influence to make sure your brought to justice!" Zhan whispered in Chen lu ear making Chen lu expression to change with each word he said.

Chen lu pushed zhan away from him though his whole body was trembling in fear he still tried to compose himself.

"Don't try to threaten me! You don't have any evidence to accuse me of such a serious thing! And I will never dream of hurting my big brother or anyone else iam not such kind of a person!" Chen lu retorted back, he will never accept it, he never meant to hurt Wang yibo.

Xiao zhan sneered. "You will never hurt other's? When I was young you used to bully and humiliate me every day, you also create a scene so that I could be punished by your parents every day! That not being enough you drugged me so that I could be gang raped! Tell me Chen lu is there anything in this world you aren't capable of doing!"

Chen lu staggered back his face completely white because of fear, he never expected the once timid xiao zhan could change like this and the word's he says hit him like a thunderbolt and he didn't know what to say, he didn't waste time but press the elevator and run away not wanting to see xiao zhan again.

Chen lu:"No.... no this is not the xiao zhan I know! He can't be xiao zhan! He must be a fake! Someone who has the aim of destroying him!" Chen lu shouted hysterically in the elevator.

Xiao zhan looked at the already closed elevator and smirked.


Zhan said and returned back, remembering something he texted wen Ning and informed him to go to the mall and investigate and know what actually happened, he got a reply from wen Ning who was already at the mall and about to get the CCTV footage at the parking lot.

Xiao zhan sat down this time and ignored the Wang family who were looking at him like he is kinda of unwanted and disgusting bug but he didn't care, he has already decided as long as no one will disturb his peaceful then he won't bother with them and he will pretend not to even know them but anyone who will get in his way then he won't let them go, he was bullied year's ago but now he won't let anyone stomp on him, he has a son to take care of and if he acts all timid and stupid like year's ago not only will he suffer even his son won't be spared.

Since he has decided to spend the rest of his life with wang yibo who has a lot of influence in china and is even well known then he must be worthy of wang yibo and he can no longer behave like a weakling, he must stand on his feet and do his part as a partner he can't leave everything to wang yibo.

"Just look at that attitude! Honey such a sudden change! He looks like he is ready to go against us!" Mrs wang who was really angry complained to her husband, she can't approach xiao zhan now because those bodyguards were obviously being weary of them and they can't approach xiao zhan even with force.

Mr wang before he could speak he saw wen Ning with a young boy who has the exact resemblance with his son when he was young, Mrs wang also saw the little boy and the surprise on her face was no different to her husband.

"Honey....that....that...." Mrs Wang stuttered not being able to speak but just be surprised.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Wuxian shouted and run towards xiao zhan who smiled and picked up Wuxian.

Mrs Wang was so surprised with the sudden thing she saw infront of her that she almost fainted, that child is obviously the little version of her son wang yibo and without being told she can tell that child is Wang yibos child! Her son actually has a son and never told them and it looks like the person who gave birth to the child is none other but....but xiao zhan!.

"Honey let's go and meet our grandson! I never knew my strong son to actually have a son, he is so handsome just like our son!" Mrs Wang who was really excited shouted and pulled his husband towards xiao zhan who was seated with Wuxian in his arm's.

The bodyguards immediately stood infront of the old couple stopping them from approaching xiao zhan and the child.

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