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Xiao zhan arrived at Wang yibo premises and was amazed, he has never seen such a big house and everything in it was expensive, compared to his adoptive parents they really couldn't compare to Wang yibo. The bodyguard who gave him the food, helped him carry his luggage inside, zhan wanted to carry his luggage but the bodyguard wen Ning insisted on helping him,  and xiao zhan was really thankful.

Going inside the house, zhan saw Wang yibo who has already arrived and seems to be busy on his phone and didn't even bother looking at him, he followed the bodyguard and was shown where he will be sleeping.

"If you need anything don't forget to tell me, you will be staying here, this is where my boss said you could sleep, you can freshen up and rest." Wen Ning said bowed down and excused himself.

The room was big and has everything in it, the bed can't be compared to his own back at his apartment and his adoptive parents house, he decided to arrange his clothes first and he wasn't sure how he will live here, it's not easy for him to adopt to a new environment and now that he is in the same house as Wang yibo who doesn't like him, it's really making him feel very insecure.

Wang yibo on the other hand after seeing that xiao zhan has arrived and now in the room that he was to sleep, called his butler.

"Master you called me." Yibo gave the butler a small paper bag that had some medication inside.

"The young boy that came not long ago is injured, there some ointment and painkillers inside, give him." Yibo instructed.

"Understood." The butler was about to go but was stopped by Wang yibo. "Don't tell him that I gave you those, just do what I told you."

Yibo let the confused butler to go, the butler wondered why the master doesn't want the young beautiful boy who is the master's partner not to know that he is the one who gave the medication. He has a lot of unanswered questions and one of them was why the master's partner is given another room and not the same room as the master, but he doesn't have any right to ask, he will just do the work that he was hired to do and not meddle in his master's personal life.

Zhan heard the door getting knocked, stopping what he was doing and went to open the door, the person infront of him was a middle aged man, he was the one who welcomed him after he arrived and he said he was the butler.

The butler saw the injury on the young boy forehead and jaw too, he wondered what might have happened to the master's partner, he really felt bad and pitiful.

"Sir here is an ointment and some painkiller tablet's, the ointment will help prevent the inflammation and even the bruising, make sure to use it." Giving the small paper bag, the butler left before xiao zhan could say a word.

Zhan was somehow surprised, he didn't expect someone will really care of the bruising on his face and even get medication for him, the only person who knew of his bruises is the bodyguard wen Ning and the governor Wang yibo, and the only person who could give him such medication must be the bodyguard wen Ning, he is also the one who gave him food earlier, he was really caring and the only person who is less scary in this strange place is none other but wen Ning.

"I should say thank you to wen Ning after I see him later." Zhan whispered, closed the door and went to continue what he was doing with a smile on his face.

Chen lu returned back to his parents mansion and broke down into tears, he was even threatening to kill himself because of the things that has happening, that bitch he should call brother married the man he loves and belongs to him!.

"Let me die! I know from the start you never cared about me, you only cared about that adopted useless idiot you call son! You don't love me at all that's why you let Wang yibo to marry him!" Chen lu shouted like a crazy man, the gentle and lovable Chen lu who appears Infront of Wang yibo disappeared, Mr Chen was quite all this time like he wasn't bothered with his son's madness, only madam Chen was scared and looked at his husband who looks very calm. Going to sit beside his husband after making sure the bodyguards restrained her son so that he couldn't anything to harm himself, madam Chen said.
"Honey look at our son, that useless boy caused all this, he is responsible for my son's sadness, we took care of him, treated him well like our own son, gave him everything he wanted and now look what he did! From childhood until now the only thing he knows best is steal our son's happiness!" Madam Chen complained expecting his husband to react, but Mr Chen got up from where he was seated, and answered.

"Iam sure yibo talked to him and you should know better than anyone else who is the real owner of this wealth, take him back to his room, don't let him go out or do anything stupid." Mr Chen word's surprised Chen lu, he didn't expect his dad to ground him! Shouldn't his dad who hates xiao zhan think of something and deal with that slut who stole his man! Madam Chen face paled and she kept her mouth shut.

"D-dad? Mom say something! Don't let dad do this! It's unfair to me! You can't do this to me dad." Chen lu shouted but his wails were ignored. Madam Chen really wanted to help his son, her son suffering because of xiao zhan, everything that is happening now is all xiao zhan fault, and she is going to teach that ungrateful xiao zhan a lesson.

Chen lu who broke everything in his room but still couldn't calm down took his phone and called Wang yibo who received the call, yibo heard Chen lu cries from the background and was really worried wondering what has happened to him.

'Big brother why didn't you tell me that you got married to xiao zhan today, he even bragged Infront of me and threatened me just because he is now your partner, iam so scared now and I don't know what he will do to me, just because I told him what he did that day wasn't right and he said all hurtful things to me'.  Chen lu continued to cry while hiccuping, yibo was somehow confused and wondered when xiao zhan met Chen lu, he will surely not have time to meet Chen lu and say those things.

'what are you talking about? When did xiao zhan meet you and tell you about our marriage when everything happened today?' Yibo who was full of doubt asked.

Chen lu on the other end tensed and his crying stopped for a second, before he continued to cry.

'are you doubting me big brother? When did I lie to you? Chen lu complained pretending to be very offended, Wang yibo immediately felt guilty.

'dont cry, I trust you, just tell me what happened and I will get justice for you.' Yibo tried to calm down his crying brother.

'i only visited him to his apartment, I saw him outside with one of your bodyguards who even lashed out at me together with xiao zhan.' Chen lu answered, yibo disconnected the call without answering.

Yibo left his home office and went directly to where xiao zhan room was and started knocking at the door.

Zhan has just finished showering and got dressed and was now applying the ointment on the places that were bruised.

Zhan opened the door and even before he could speak or look who it was he was pushed so hard that his stomach came into contact with the table that wasn't very far, zhan groaned in pain and clutched his stomach tightly, he didn't cry or make a sound he kept quite and remained in fetal position since his stomach was hurting. He wondered why Wang yibo pushed him so hard, did Wang yibo marry him so that he could hurt him whenever he wants?.

He got up after his stomach stopped hurting, he didn't see Wang yibo and he didn't hear clearly what Wang yibo was talking about because of the pain, getting the ointment he carefully applied on the remaining part and also his stomach which was reddened, getting a glass of warm water, he took the painkillers.

Waking up the second day, zhan went downstairs after getting dressed, he saw Wang yibo together with Chen lu, the two were talking together and laughing, the two were so calm and the two were honestly very happy. He pretended not to see and wanted to go out but Wang yibo called him back.

Hesitating for a while zhan went where Wang yibo and Chen lu were seated. "You called me sir."

"You know what you did yesterday, say sorry." Yibo said making xiao zhan to be confused, he looked at Chen lu and seeing his reaction, he guessed the reason why Wang yibo hurt him last night was because of Chen lu who must have said something.

"I'm sorry." Zhan who didn't want any more drama said and bowed down, and he immediately left before he could cry Infront of them, its really hurting knowing that he said sorry when he doesn't know what has happened or what has happened for him to say sorry.

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