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"You have really grown up, give me your uncle's contact information, with his help it will be easier for me." Li yang said while taking out his phone.

"I will go with you, I also want to meet xiao zhan again, I didn't have time to talk to him and get to know him better." Lu Bai said and gave his uncle's contact information to li yang, all he wants is xiao zhan getting justice, all those who did wrong and thought they will get away with it must be brought to justice, they must be arrested and let the law deal with them accordingly.

Chen family

"Since wang yibo stopped including my company in any of the projects that he had, the business hasn't been so good." Mr Chen who was seated told his wife, for the past four years even if wang yibo hasn't done anything to affect the company, business hasn't been so good as before, being partnered with yibo company is something alot of upcoming businesses has dreamt.

"It's all xiao zhan fault! If that day he didn't appear at my birthday party, then Chen lu wouldn't have thought of such a plan! My poor boy is suffering for year's just because he drugged yibo, it's nothing serious and forgivable too, but that wang yibo is so hard hearted!" Mrs Chen complained too, people now don't respect them like before, even if they don't show it, but behind their backs they must be saying something unpleasant.

"Luckily Mrs wang and Mr wang hasn't abandoned us, they promised me with time Wang yibo will calm down and give Chen lu a chance." Mrs Chen added.

"Don't be so naive, the wang family doesn't get along with their own son, since xiao zhan left wang yibo has stopped talking with his parents and living his own life, it's easier to be said than done." Mr Chen said and sighed, he just hopes nothing will go wrong, with time everything will get better.

Xiao zhan heard his son giggling while chewing, he doesn't remember his son coming to the kitchen or having anything to eat, going out, Wuxian immediately hid whatever he was holding behind him.

"What are you doing? What is it that your hiding behind your back?" Xiao zhan asked, Wuxian shook his head.

"N-nothing!" Wuxian who doesn't know how to lie answered while stuttering.

Zhan frowned, walked closer to his son and checked what he was hiding and was surprised seeing a half eaten candy, he doesn't remember buying candy or giving his son any candy.

Xiao zhan:"Tell me the truth, where did you get this?"

"D-daddy sorry, handsome uncle gave me the candy." Wuxian answered, he didn't dare to look at his father.

Zhan who was angry took the remaining half and threw it in the bin making Wuxian to immediately start crying.

"Stop crying! I told you not to go out, but you disobeyed me and went outside! That not being enough you took thing's from stranger's! You no longer listen to me but do what your little head tells you!" Zhan shouted, he never expected Wuxian to secretly go out and even eat thing's given by unknown people!.

"He is not a stranger! He is a good uncle!"

"Stop answering me back and be quite! Go face the wall and reflect on your mistake! Now!"

The crying Wuxian stood up facing the wall, xiao zhan sighed, closed the door properly and went back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

Ten minutes later he was already done, coming back to the sitting room he saw the standing Wuxian dozing off, zhan picked him up and took him to bed, he checked outside but didn't see anyone.

One week later

Wang yibo who return's from work early everyday hoping to see the little kid again didn't see him, he even stays outside and make a little noise for the little guy to hear but no one came out, he bought chocolate flavored candy every day wanting to give the little guy but he never saw him again, it was like the kid just vanished.

Thinking for a while he decided to knock at the door and ask about the kid to know if he was okay, he didn't forget to bring the candy along. He knocked at the door several times and waited for the owner to open, he heard movement from inside and second's later the door opened.

Yibo who saw the person standing infront of him, he dropped the candy he was carrying on his hands, his expression was first surprised and the next second frowned.

Zhan who never expected to see the person he never expected to see immediately closed the door his face turning pale, it's impossible! How did wang yibo end up where he was living, he hasn't even finished more than three weeks and wang yibo appeared out of nowhere! How did he know where he lives?  The person Wuxian met and was even given candy was none other but wang yibo! The handsome uncle that Wuxian kept mentioning and he cried for day's demanding to be let out was none other but yibo! He didn't expect father and son could meet so soon!

Wang yibo was surprised and froze in place for a while, he didn't expect xiao zhan was the person who moved here! It never crossed his mind the little guy who caught his attention was actually xiao zhan son! The man and a little boy wen Ning said we're actually xiao zhan and Wuxian! Xiao zhan not only betrayed him and ran away with another man, but he even went as far as impregnating a woman and having a child, the child looks to be around three years, so it didn't take long for xiao zhan to impregnate others the moment he left him.

Now he has come back to taunt him or make fun of him! Just thinking how he was made fun of and secretly laughed at for being so stupid and blind in love, he couldn't control himself and banged at the closed door.

"You dared to come back xiao zhan!" Yibo shouted while gritting his teeth in anger.

Xiao zhan whose face turned pale and for a moment got so scared composed himself and got up from the floor, he will not be intimidated by wang yibo, the two are no longer together, yibo was his ex husband, even if Wuxian is Wang yibos son, as long as he will not say a word then no one will know, he will pretend nothing has happened and just continue with his life, as long as wang yibo will not disturb him then he won't cause trouble.

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