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"God why is it only me? In my previous life did I do alot of unforgivable thing's that iam destined to be unhappy in this life?" Zhan whispered and sighed, even if it hurts he has no other choice but to leave.

Xiao zhan who decided not to think widely any more felt someone beside him and saw a young man who seems to be the same age as him and he seems to look at him with concern.

"Are you okay? You must have broken up with your boyfriend or girlfriend and you came here to calm down right?" The young man while looking at xiao zhan up and down.

Zhan lip's twitched and looked at the young man infront of him closely, this young man looks like a gossiper or was he sent to rub more salt on his already injured and broken heart, though he has not broken up with wang yibo yet but he is about to end thing's with yibo and both of them will walk separate ways and they might never meet again in this life time.

"Not really I just felt like coming here for the cool breeze." Xiao zhan who chose not to tell a stranger what really happened to him lied, he is not the kind of a person to complain or even tell other's all the injustices and bullying he has gone through because by the end of the day he won't gain anything and nothing will change.

"You don't have to lie to me I can clearly see it, my mom before she died she always told me never to keep everything deep within because it will  hurt even more, once in a while speak it out, let it out and you will feel better, I tried it and it really helps you know." The young man said again but didn't get a reply from xiao zhan who looked away and pretended not to hear what the young man has said.

Young Man:"Well it's okay if you feel uncomfortable talking to me, I came here because my husband and his family kicked me out just because I refused to quit my job and be a housewife, but that won't bring me down, iam still young and have a life ahead of me, in future I might be happy and find someone else who can support me and not control me and tell what to do and not do."

Xiao zhan listened to the young man word's and sighed, it looks he at least a little bit better, at least wang yibo didn't collude with his family but rather did everything to protect him and support him, but he knows wang yibo can't protect him forever and he might hate him once he knows of his baby.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Zhan told the young man and decided to leave, at least he felt a little better staying at the beach for sometime and it's time to go back home, wait for wang yibo to return back and he will end everything with him and leave for good, the world is big and just as the young man has said everyone has a life ahead of them and he knows even without wang yibo he will be happy and lead a peaceful life with his baby and the only family he will trust.

He took a taxi and arrived at yibos house, it was already evening, and just as he left he didn't see any bodyguard outside, he was about to open the door and go inside when the door was opened from inside and he saw wang yibo father at the door, zhan didn't know what to say and wondered what wang yibo father was doing here.

Mr wang:"What are you doing here?"

Zhan:"Go....come... inside." He stuttered.

"My wife has already told you to leave my son and here you are shamelessly coming back! Don't you know and understand simple language 'leave my son and get lost!'

"B...but I haven't talked to wang yibo yet, I promise to leave once I break everything off with your son." Zhan answered.

"That won't work, I don't know what lies you will tell my son, I can't trust someone like you, I came with the divorce papers, your going to sign and then get lost, don't even think of calling my son, because no matter where you hide, I will find you." Mr Wang warned.

Zhan didn't know how to refute yibos father word's, anyway whatever he will say he will be seen as a calculating person, someone who knows nothing but just pretend to be pitiful but in reality he is plotting.

"Then at least can I say something about him, iam begging you, I know if I leave just like that without saying anything more convincing then your son will never believe it and he will never come to find me." Zhan said and wiped his tears away.

Mr wang hesitated for a while but realized what xiao zhan has said is the truth.

"I will take a video of you, just say you came to find me and begged me to find a way to divorce him." Mr Wang instructed, zhan nodded his head.

Xiao zhan who was still standing took Mr wang phone and recorded himself after making sure his emotions are in check.

'yibo, I know from the start I shouldn't have planned to drug you and have you sleep with me, I shouldn't have pretended to be innocent when all along I have been playing with you, I wanted you to marry me so that I could have a taste of the rich life and being a partner of an influential man, from the start when Chen lu was warning you about me it's actually the truth, all this time when you confessed to me and even pretended to be together with you, I was only laughing at you and wondering how stupid you are to fall in my trap and not see I have been toying with you all this time.

I don't love you and I will never love you and all those sweet moments we had it was only me having fun of you, if it wasn't for your dad to caught me red handed today with my boyfriend then you will have never known that I have someone else I love so much, iam sorry that I hurt you , you deserve better, I will leave with my dear boyfriend and I wish you will find someone who is not as shameless as me, this is how iam, just have fun and care less, I don't have the courage to face you that's why I decided to leave.'

Xiao zhan returned the phone back to Mr wang, with trembling hand's he signed the divorce papers and his bags which were already packed were given to him and he left without going inside the house, walking and making sure he wasn't near yibos premises, he collapsed and cried.

He knows wang yibo will hate him knowing that he wasn't sincere and has been making fun of him, he knew if he didn't lie then wang yibo wouldn't give up on trying to find him and then his life together with his unborn baby will be in danger, Mr Chen threatened him with a gun and with how Mr Chen behaved he knew he will do it, if sacrificing his love by lying can make wang yibos family safe and his life could be safe and he doesn't have to live in fear, then that's the best thing he has to do.

"I'm sorry hubby, I know you will hate me, but if I don't leave and persist on staying with you then my life will be in danger and I can't tell the day I will drop dead, I don't want to be the reason for you to fight with your family, I don't want to be a reason of someone dying, I love you so much, I really do, but I can't be with you." Zhan whispered while sobbing.

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