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"Good, there's a very important project that your husband has, I want you to get into your husband study and get the documents of the project and send them to me, as long as you do it, I will let you see your parents." Mr Chen said.

Xiao zhan never expected Mr Chen will ask him to do such a thing! If he get caught he might even be arrested and wang yibo will be so disappointed in him and this time he might kill him without thinking twice, before killing he will first torture him, he hasn't forgotten how scary wang yibo was and how he treated him even if he didn't have concrete evidence that he really drugged him.

And it's very wrong to steal something so important from wang yibo, not only wang yibo but someone else, he won't do it, his concious won't allow him to do such a thing.

"Dad I can't do it! It's wrong! I can't do something like that to my husband." Zhan refused, he can't do it.

"Iam not forcing you, you can think about it, once your ready just let me know and I will immediately have you meet your parents, I don't want to pressure you but I will only give you three days to think about it." Mr Chen whose expression hasn't changed said and left.

Xiao zhan was left all alone in the cube, if he accepted to steal the so called report documents he will be able to meet his parents whom he has always wanted, all his life he had dreamt of one day meeting his own biological parents, have his real family members, have someone he will call mother, father, brother or sister and now the chance is here, if he does what Mr Chen wanted then his dream will be fulfilled.

But he is not someone who can do such a thing, his gut's won't allow him to steal something so important from wang yibo, yibo even gave him slot of money today, he will use for so long, he can't be someone so heartless to steal business information just because he wants to see his parents.

He came out to meet his adoptive dad being very happy and excited but now his mood went low and he left the cafe and started walking back to yibos house looking dejected, he didn't see yibo and lu Bai who were standing at the door waiting for him, he didn't look infront and he ended up bumping his head on yibos chest.


"Hey what's wrong? Spacing out and not looking where your going." Yibo asked zhan who was looking at him like he is confused.

"Hey uncle you didn't tell me you will marry such a beautiful little uncle." Lu Bai who has finally managed to see xiao zhan shouted and wanted to get closer but got pushed away.

Zhan came back to his senses when he heard an unfamiliar voice, he looked behind wang yibo and saw a pretty boy who seems to be the same age as him.

"Who are you?" Zhan asked the pretty who was trying his level best to see xiao zhan.

"Little uncle I'm lu Bai! Uncle move away, stop blocking me." Lu Bai who was finally noticed by xiao zhan answered excited, he loves making new friends and someone as beautiful as xiao zhan deserves to be his friend, anyway there relatives in a way.

Zhan felt funny being called little uncle,  being called uncle out of nowhere without being mentally prepared made him to feel very awkward.

Wang yibo who was ignored by xiao zhan felt somehow unhappy, is he invisible and no longer important and now he is being treated like someone who doesn't exist at all. He hugged zhan close and prevented his nephew from looking at his partner.

"Lu Bai you stay here, I have something important to talk to him." Yibo said and dragged zhan away going directly to there shared room and yibo helped xiao zhan to sit down.

Zhan was somehow tensed and wondered if wang yibo knew what he has done and talked about with Mr Chen or Mr Chen set him up and blamed everything on him, trying to steal business secrets is something so serious and wang yibo will really be very angry.

Yibo:"Did you do something behind my back?"

Xiao zhan:"I....I didn't accept Mr Chen instruction, believe me I will never steal secret business information from you...I....."

Zhan covered his mouth immediately not daring to say any other word after realizing that he said the truth thinking wang yibo must be aware of what he has done.

Wang yibo didn't expect xiao zhan will meet Mr chen and what they were discussing about was actually something to do with stealing information.

"You met with Mr Chen? What's your relationship with him? How did you know him?" Yibo asked, remembering that the day he was informed xiao zhan went to the Chen's residence, and at that time he really didn't bother to ask xiao zhan, even if xiao zhan can be friends with Chen lu, it can't be that close that he can meet Mr Chen alone and even ask him to steal information from him.

Zhan bite his lower lip and he didn't dare to look at wang yibo.

"Iam an orphan, Chen family were good enough and they adopted me when I was little, I didn't live with them for long that's why we weren't that close, iam not good enough that's why they're disappointed in me, but iam still thankful to them for taking care of me for year's, that day I went to the Chen's family house because my adoptive dad said he found the whereabouts of my biological parents, at that time I wasn't able to speak with my adoptive dad, today I called him and we met, but I didn't expect him to tell me if I want to see my biological parents then I will have to steal your lastest company project report for him."

"I'm so sorry I know it's wrong, but I swear I didn't accept, I refused, but he gave me few days to think about it, as long as I will do it, then I will be able to see my parents, I really want to have a family, I want to have someone to call mom and dad." Zhan added and his face was covered in tears.

Yibo sat down beside him, and hugged him close, he didn't expect xiao zhan to be actually a member of the Chen family and the Chen family didn't say a word to him and they treated him as someone they didn't know, never been nice to him and he could see that they hated xiao zhan and they have tried every means to have him hate xiao zhan and at first they really succeeded.

"Don't cry, I believe you, I know my baby will never betray me and do anything behind my back, you don't have to say sorry because you did nothing wrong, because whatever you wanted to do was because you wanted to meet your parents and I can understand that " Yibo said and wiped zhan tears away.

Xiao zhan who was expecting for the worst was surprised, yibo didn't get angry and scold him, but believed him and he is now even coaxing him!.

"Do you really believe me?" Zhan asked to confirm.

"I do believe you." Yibo reassured the surprised xiao zhan.

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