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"Do you really believe me?" Zhan asked to confirm.

"I do believe you." Yibo reassured the surprised xiao zhan.

Xiao zhan bursted into tears when he heard wang yibo answer, yibo was confused and wondered why xiao zhan was crying again? Did he say something wrong again?.

"Hey why are you suddenly crying? I said I believe you and I mean it." Yibo said and carried zhan to sit on his lap.

Zhan hid his face on yibos broad chest and continued to cry.

Zhan:"I don't know why iam crying, I just can't control myself and I suddenly feel so emotional and the urge to cry is too strong that I can't control it."

Yibo didn't know what to say, he can't explain the strange behavior of xiao zhan, being so emotional suddenly and crying just because he had the urge, such kind of mood swings, it's just so strange.

"I understand, you calm down someone might think iam bullying you right now!" Yibo said and second's later he heard his nephew's voice outside.

Lu Bai:"Open this door right now! How dare you bully my little uncle! If you will not open this door I will call the police for domestic violence!"

Yibos lips twitched, zhan who heard lu Bai voice immediately stopped crying and felt very embarrassed.

Xiao zhan:"No one is bullying me, lu Bai you don't have to worry."

Zhan voice was a little hoarse because of crying lu Bai didn't believe a word and he completely believed that wang yibo must be bullying his little uncle.

"I knew from the beginning your are not a good person! I didn't expect you can threaten little uncle to say he is fine! Hear me call police to come and arrest you!" Lu Bai shouted and he really called the police, zhan wanted to go out and show lu Bai that nothing happened and he was crying on his own Accord but yibo stopped him.

"You ignore him, his mind has always been wild." Yibo who wasn't worried the slightest said.

"But he called the police and they will really come to arrest you." Zhan answered worried, he just can't imagine yibo getting arrested and he honestly hasn't done anything wrong, but still chose to believe wang yibo.

"Hubby I ......I have always wanted to ask you something." Zhan said feeling a little bit nervous, but still had a lot of courage of asking and wanting to know the truth today because if he couldn't ask then he is not sure when he will be courageous enough to ask again.

Yibo:"Please ask, don't be nervous."

Zhan:"I remember you told me that for the conference to be successful we will have to pretend to be loving couple and get used to being close to each other, today after telling you about what happened you easily said you believe me, does that still count as still pretending and you will get even with me after the conference is over."

Wang Yibo didn't expect xiao zhan would actually ask about that, all this time that he has been together and trying to act like a caring and good husband, zhan has believed that they're still pretending and nothing is actually real.

Wang yibo:"Baby if I tell you now that after staying with you for sometime, I realized that your actually very different, and I have fallen in love with you, whatever I do now and say is true, xiao zhan I love you, I have fallen in love with you and I don't want you to force yourself to pretend to love me, I just hope you can forgive my past mistake and give me a chance to redeem myself, love you and take care of you, I have never loved someone before, your the first person who made me feel and know what love is."

"I know this is abrupt and I might have scared you, but I won't pressure you and you don't have to be afraid and accept my love, just give me a chance to love you, I promise to help find your parents and if your ever in trouble you don't have to find other's, iam here and I will do anything in my power to fulfill all your wishes." Yibo added.

Zhan was rendered speechless, he only wanted to know if they were still pretending but he didn't expect wang yibo will confess to him, his heart right now is in a mess, he has always warned himself not to be swayed away and end up falling in love with wang yibo but now it looks like he has fallen in love with wang yibo, he seems to have already failed and the so called restraint of not falling in love with wang yibo all along is a lie, he has been lying to himself all this time.

Xiao zhan:"I......I."

"You don't have to say anything right now, just...."

Yibo didn't finish speaking when he heard the door being knocked by his butler and second's later he heard commotion coming from downstairs.

"It looks like I need to have our room well insulated." Yibo said somehow annoyed and left the room with zhan still in his arm's, he opened the door and saw the butler outside.

Butler:"master the police are here and wants to speak to you."

Zhan didn't expect the police to arrive so fast and for a moment he got scared, even if that lu Bai really cared he didn't  have to call the police on his uncle, it's not right, but in a way maybe he is right.

Xiao zhan:"I will go and speak with them, after all it's all a misunderstanding, you put me down."

Yibo pretended not to hear and went downstairs still carrying xiao zhan, lu Bai who was seated got up and pointed at his uncle.

Lu Bai:"That's the assailant! Officer's you arrest him!"

Xiao zhan:"That's not true, my husband didn't do anything to me, lu Bai you know it's wrong to accuse others without any evidence, you apologize to your uncle now."

Lu Bai:"little uncle! You! You!"

Wang yibo looked at his nephew who knows nothing but cause unnecessary trouble and sighed.

"Officer's this brat ran away from home, he knows nothing but causing trouble, just take him back home, here his house address." Yibo said, the officer's who were called and informed of domestic violence saw two loving couples and the caller seems to be really a troublemaker.

"Young Man let's go, if you dare run away from home again and cause unnecessary trouble, you will be punished." A police officer told the pouting lu Bai.

"Uncle this is not fair! Your are the one who brought me here! Little uncle say something!" Lu Bai shouted while looking back at xiao zhan who looked at lu Bai then wang yibo and shyly his face with yibos shirt.

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