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Xiao zhan was really tired and fed up of the drama, laying down on bed, he decided to sleep wake up later to read the so called report which he hasn't read. Just thinking of pretending to be in love with that heartless Wang yibo creeps him out and he subconsciously trembled in fear, if he was given a chance between death and falling in love with Wang yibo, he will immediately choose death without any regrets. He didn't take long before he slept off, waking up two hours later, it was already six in the evening.

He felt a slight pain on his lower abdomen, he guessed it must be because he fell down and his stomach came into contact with the table, he forgot to take some painkillers and apply the ointment during the day, getting up and massaging his lower abdomen Abit, he took off his shirt and stood Infront of the mirror. Looking at his abdomen, the reddening wasn't that bad like yesterday and in the morning, he applied the ointment on his forehead and jaw, but didn't see or hear the door was opened and someone was inside.

"Just apply for few more days and it will be ok .s.....ahhhh." Zhan shouted in horror and dropped the ointment he was about to apply on his lower abdomen when he felt someone else hands wrapped around his waist.

"Don't move, have you forgotten we have to pretend to be loving couples, and you have to start by this feeling of me hugging you, being touchy with me and always being close to me." Yibo said, his warm breath fanning zhan white neck, zhan froze where he was and he couldn't help but tremble in fear, his face turned pale and was obviously very uncomfortable being hugged by Wang yibo and yibo somehow felt angry realizing xiao zhan didn't like his touch.

"Let me go, don't touch me, Don't ever touch me!" Zhan shouted and kicked yibo leg and quickly moved away after he was released by yibo who frowned while hissing in pain, zhan got his shirt, put it on and moved to safer distance, his hands protectively covering his shirt and looking at Wang yibo like he is some kinda of beast.

Yibo didn't give time for xiao zhan to react,he immediately approached him, grabbed his hand and dragged the shouting xiao zhan to bed then hovered on top of him.

"Looking at me like a pervert! Acting all scared and acting disgusted when I touch you! Remember we are legally married, I have a right to touch you and do more thing's to this body, if you dare kick me or look at me with disgust, let me not say what I will do to you." Yibo warned, zhan has never been so close to a man or woman before, and now Wang yibo being this close to him made his heart beat so fast like it wants to pop out any second, though he really hates this man called Wang yibo but looking at him closely he realized that Wang yibo is very handsome, his lips looks so kissable, with such thoughts he felt so scared that he closed his eyes and didn't dare to look at Wang yibo again.

Wang yibo was having a closer look at xiao zhan for the first time, he accepted the fact that xiao zhan is very beautiful and of all the people he came across, no one could compare to xiao zhan, seeing xiao zhan white pale face, clear teary eyes, thin pink lips and a little black mole below his lip which added to his beauty, not even once has he realized that can be so beautiful and this beautiful man is actually now his partner, he lost his mind for a minute and he felt his heart to be itchy, yibo regained his senses and immediately got off xiao zhan and away from bed, looked away so that xiao zhan couldn't see his abnormal expression, he has never felt something like this before.

After calming down, he saw the ointment on the floor, he remembered xiao zhan seems to be injured on his abdomen too, picking up the ointment and putting his feelings in check, he looked at xiao zhan who was still closing his eyes.

"Take off your shirt, I will help apply the ointment." Yibo spoke, zhan slowly opened his eyes and blinked in confusion since he didn't hear what the other person has said.

"W-what did you say sir?" Zhan asked innocently, yibo who was looking at xiao zhan face was once again enchanted by his beauty and his calm heart started to misbehave again, and for a second he doubted if xiao zhan could really be shameless and scheming, this boy behavior and the way he talks, he really couldn't be someone who is very terrible, is Chen lu lying to him? But why could Chen lu lie to him? But he immediately brushed it off, he shouldn't doubt Chen lu, they have played together and have a good relationship for year's, Chen lu who is like a brother couldn't lie to him.

"Are you deaf?" Yibo whose feelings were really conflicted asked somehow annoyed, zhan lowered his head in embarrassment, he knows he shouldn't have such thoughts towards Wang yibo, he was in deep thoughts that's why he didn't hear what Wang has said.

"I'm sorry I will learn to be keen from now on, it will not happen again." Zhan answered but flinched when yibo put his hand on his shoulder, he wanted to move away but remembered that they have to pretend to be loving couple he endured with his face pale.

"I will help you apply the ointment on your stomach." Yibo voice which was extra gentle was heard, zhan froze and didn't react still trying to process what he has just heard, when he regained his senses Wang yibo has already unbuttoned his shirt and was about to take it off, zhan grabbed his shirt and moved away looking at Wang yibo wearily.

"W-what are you trying to do?" Zhan stuttered obviously scared, yibo sighed wondering what this little idiot mind wandered to.

"I will help you apply the ointment, don't take your mind too far." Yibo answered making zhan to blush, zhan didn't dare to take off his shirt, lying down he shyly lifted up his shirt, his ears and face was already red because of blushing and he trembled when yibo fingers touched his lower abdomen and the slight pain he felt before stopped.

"Make sure to go through the report I gave you, by tomorrow make sure you have memorized your part, come downstairs for breakfast then go to my room, from today you will be sleeping in the same room as me, this way you won't be nervous or scared being close to me, also don't get the wrong idea and end falling in love with me, because I Wang yibo won't be responsible." Yibo added and left the room, zhan touched his chest and he could feel his rapid heartbeat, what is happening to him?.

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