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Yibo immediately warned himself, he shouldn't be seduced and confused by this fox, this fox that is pretending to be cute and innocent is the person that calculated him and brought him in this mess, in a weeks time everything will be done and he doesn't have to do these thing's that he doesn't want to do.

Xiao zhan is used to showering before going to bed, he couldn't sleep just like  that, mastering up courage like before that he even bite wang yibo hand, he decided to speak pretending not to see the visible tooth marks on wang yibo hand.

"I.....i want to shower before sleeping, also i haven't gotten my sleeping pajamas....also....also....boxers." His voice kept getting lower and lower and his ears reddened, yibo saw xiao zhan embarrassment and he smiled and decided to tease the shy interesting young boy infront of him.

"What did you say? I seem not to hear what you have said, the last sentence." Yibo asked, zhan face, ears and neck reddened even more, without being told he could guess that this pervert is trying to embarass him even more.

"I....i said i didn't have time to take my pajamas, i will go get my pajamas now." Zhan turned around to leave but was pulled back by wang yibo, the next second he felt his back coming into contact with a warm embrace, and he immediately knew that wang yibo was back hugging him, the powerful heartbeat of wang yibo could be felt against his back.

Yibo used his hand to caresss xiao zhan flat abdomen making zhan to shudder.

Yibo:"I can lend some of my pajamas, iam sure one of it could fit you well."

Yibo warm breath fanned xiao zhan ear, yibo deep voice made zhan to feel dizzzy for a second and his heartbeat accelerated, yibo who saw xiao zhan zhan reddened ears couldn't help himself but stick out his tongue and lick zhan earlobe making zhan to jump in fright and he immediately run towards the shower room, not forgetting to close the door from behind.

"That pervert taking advantage of me!" Zhan gritted his teeth in anger while touching his racing his heart, luckily he managed to run away on time, if not he is not sure what could have happened, not only was he teased, he was spanked, hugged and even licked like he is some kinda of a candy or dessert! This is shameless!

Standing for few minutes to calm himself down, he took off his clothes, filled the bathtub with water and submerged his body into the warm water and felt relaxed, since yibo let him shower here then he won't mind if he uses his thing's right? Though he is somehow timid but he shouldn't be an idiot and let that beast bully him all the time when at a certain level he could be able to protect himself, from today onwards he won't let wang yibo and especially that Chen lu to bully and insult him!.

Zhan:"From today i won't be a fool and let myself be bullied! Be courageous and stand for myself!"

He saw a bathrobe but it wasn't his size, it is way bigger than his little body, but he has no other choice but to put it on since he forgot to take the pajamas that wang yibo said he will give him, standing at the door and listening carefully, but he didn't hear anything from theother side nor any movement, he guessed that wang yibo must be asleep or he left the room.

He slowly opened the door, poked his little  head with fluffy hair out  and he carefully peeked outside but didn't see anyone or hear anything, his anxious heart was calm and he slowly walked outside, he looked around the room and was amazed.

Xiao zhan:"Rich people and there exaggeration."

Since he is to sleep here with wang yibo although it is against his wish, he will try to be calm and not be scared, he still remembers that he has already encouraged himself not to be intimidated by wang yibo, his adoptive family and anyone else! He is a human being and has a right to be happy and not get abused or mistreated. He sat on the bed waiting for wang yibo to come.

Minutes later the bedroom door was opened and wang yibo who was only naked the only thing he was wearing was a towel around his waist, zhan looked at yibo and immediately looked away with his face flushed red,  how can other's have such a perfect body and as for him, its embarrassing, he doesn't even have one pack not to mention six packs!.

"What happened? Why are you blushing?" Yibo who saw xiao zhan reddened neck and ears asked with a smile on his face.

"It's nothing! Iam not blushing! Its just that the weather today is hot! I will sleep now goodnight!" Zhan who got caught blushing immediately refused and covered his body including his head.

Yibo just smiled and got dressed, he looked at xiao zhan who was still covering himself and sat down on bed.

"You will suffocate yourself, don't cover yourself like this." Yibo said and  took his phone to check his emails, zhan slowly pulled down the duvet that was covering his head, turned to look at wang yibo who was busy on his phone and his gaze seems not to affect wang yibo.

Yibo:"I heard that you work in a hotel as a chef, tommorow lets prepare breakfast together, we can do thing's together from tommorow."

Zhan was dazed for sometime not knowing what he was thinking, imagining doing thing's together with wang yibo starting from tommorow, not only is it so sudden but he is very sure chen Lu will die with jealousy if he were to see him and the governor, thinking too much and he fell asleep, yibo looked at zhan who was sleeping so peacefully and for a minute he was dazed, he found himself touching zhan face.

Yibo:"So smooth and beautiful, if we were to meet on normal times, then i could have really fallen for you and love you wholeheartedly."

Lying down on bed, yibo pulled zhan closer to him, yibo who hugged zhan close felt that the two a so compatible, hugging zhan close to him feels so right, and for once after so many year's he felt so relaxed and comfortable.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep too really excited and curious what his decision might turn out to be.

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