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Zhan shook his head. "You don't have to, that's not good maybe iam wrong maybe they really care about me and wants to make up but they don't know how to do it." Zhan said.

"You do what you think is right, don't get yourself bullied just because they're my parents and you want to please me." Yibo answered grabbed zhan hand with his uninjured hand and gently kissed it.

Zhan blushed and took his hand away, he still feels shy when his husband acts like this, although just kissing his hand is nothing but he still feels shy especially now that they're at the hospital and a doctor or a nurse will appear any time and see them.

"I will finish preparing lunch later Wuxian will come." Zhan with his face red immediately ran off, the private room at the hospital where yibo is admitted is fully furnished, it has a kitchen where they can cook whatever they want without being disturbed.

Yibo chuckled seeing his wifey running away all shy and embarrassed, he was about to make a call to his secretary when the door was opened and his parents arrived.

"Mom dad you're here, I thought you won't come to see me today." Yibo said and tried to sit down but was stopped by his father.

"Don't move around,.we want to speak with your partner is he here?" Mr wang asked his son making Wang yibo to be alert.

"You didn't come here to cause trouble right? Don't forget I haven't gotten even with you with what you did year's ago, if you want me to be disrespectful and completely cut ties with you then try doing anything to my wife." Yibo who for a second turned from being calm to being all angry.

"Son don't be so worked up, we know we were wrong and that useless boy we call Chen lu lied to us and used us as his scapegoat from his bad behavior's, we want to say sorry to our in law and we hope he could give us a chance to atone for our mistakes." Mrs Wang immediately said their intentions of wanting to talk to xiao zhan.

"Now you have finally realized that you were being used by them, i will understand if you don't believe other's but you didn't believe me your own son! I didn't expect my parents to be so stupid sometimes." Yibo said but hissed in pain when he got hit on his head and when he looked around he saw the frowning xiao zhan.

"How can you say such disrespectful word's to your parents! Say sorry now!" Zhan who listened to everything immediately after yibo parents came and didn't like it when he heard how his husband is talking to his parents.

"Baby iam injured you can't hit me like this." Yibo who pretended to be pitiful but seeing how serious xiao zhan was he had no other choice but to do what his partner has instructed.

Wang yibo parents were amazed they didn't expect their fearless son to actually be suppressed by the in law they used to hate, all these years and time they have tried to separate the two couples not knowing that the two are really a match made in heaven.

Zhan looked at the two old couple infront of them and hesitated for a while and finally spoke. "Ma'am sir you don't have to say sorry to me, since you two weren't at fault and I will never keep a grudge against you two, I just hope you and your son won't fight because of me, my husband to have a person to call mother and father, not everyone is so lucky."

"You stupid child, your still speaking for other's, we are wrong and we must ask for forgiveness, we have never seen such a defenceless child before." Mrs Wang who got really emotional said in tears.

Zhan was caught off guard he didn't expect such a strong woman would actually cry.

"Ma'am don't cry I forgive you and your husband, I forgive you now please don't cry." Zhan who has never experienced such a scenario got really scared and nervous knowing that he made an elderly woman cry. He has always been careful and has respected people who are older than him.

"Now your still calling me ma'am! As an in law shouldn't you atleast call me mom?" Mrs wang who was still not satisfied with just being forgiven added.

Zhan lips twitched and he looked at wang yibo who was all this time quite and just watching what was happening Infront of him.

"You do what you want, I will respect your decision." Yibo said not wanting to intervene in any way, zhan will be the one to decide.

"Well." Zhan hesitated for a while, took a deep breath and looked at yibos mother who was looking at him with expectant eyes. "M-mother." Zhan stuttered.

Mrs wang smiled and hugged xiao zhan who was really feeling awkward but still hugged Mrs wang back.

Clearing the awakwdness zhan looked at his husband for help because Mrs wang and Mr Wang being overly happy and talking to him so nicely asking him and that, having him call mom and dad just makes him not explain what he was feeling.

"Zhan go prepare lunch, I have something important to speak with my mom and dad." Yibo said, zhan didn't refuse and immediately left.

Zhan this time didn't secretly eavesdrop on what yibo and his parents were talking about.

Yibo after making sure xiao zhan really got busy explained everything that li yang told him and what his secretary so far has so far gotten and all the evidence he has is more than enough to have the Chen family and all the people in cahoots to be arrested, but now he is injured and at the hospital and he can't do anything at the moment and he knew with his parents help the Chen family will be brought down with ease.

Yibo:"But I don't know how to tell xiao zhan about his dead parents, with how he behaves it looks like something happened for him to not remember anything."

Mr wang:"That might be a reason but he can also force himself to supress all those traumatizing and unpleasant thing's that happened when he was young and now he just can't remember anything, and no matter how long it will take it is his right to know the truth of what actually happened."

Mrs wang:"Such a poor child having a miserable life since he was young and we even mistreated him, the xiao family and our family used to have a very good relationship and after I gave birth to you I promised Mrs xiao that whether she will give birth to a son or daughter then you two will surely get married after you grew up, but then the xiao family suddenly dissapeared and what we heard was they decided to move away."

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