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"Since you appeared everything has been going south instead of north, the only person I should call family is now being snatched away by you! Wang yibo how can you be so heartless!"

Zhan who didn't even have an appetite when Wuxian refused to eat stayed at the park for over an hour, how can he have gut's to eat when his own baby refused to eat? Right at that moment he is not sure if wang yibo thought of atleast giving something to his son to eat, Wang yibo can't be so irresponsible right?.

He knows just handing over Wuxian to wang yibo without any explanation is not good, but then he got so stressed and he didn't know what to do at that moment, Wuxian pushed him to the edge and he had no other choice but hand over Wuxian to wang yibo, well as his other father he must be responsible right? He has a lot of explaining to do now after thinking carefully, it looks like he needs to come clean and tell Wang yibo the truth that Wuxian is their child, but will Wang yibo really believe him? He might think he is only making fun of him.

"I really have no other choice, I only have to tell Wang yibo the truth, whether he will believe me or not that's up to him, whether he will hate me or not that still depend on him." Zhan whispered while slowly walking back to the apartment, on his way he met wen Ning whom he hasn't talked to for year's.

"Young master it has been year's, you have really changed and you even have a family of your own." Wen Ning said.

"Yes it's been so long, never thought we will meet, I didn't have a chance to say sorry, you were punished by your boss because of me." Xiao zhan answered and slightly bowed down, at that time he was still naive and didn't think things through, now thinking about it he was really stupid.

"It's okay, I didn't take good care of you, by the way young master since you left my boss has really been sad, even if he acts tough and pretend not to care but I can tell you he really loves you so much, sadly you two got separated." Wen Ning said surprising xiao zhan.

Zhan never expected wang yibo could be sad when he left and still in love with him, does it mean wang yibo isn't married yet and living alone? Speaking of that he left Wuxian just like that because he really didn't know what to do at that time, if by any chance Wang yibo has a girlfriend or maybe a wife, the wife might mistreat his son and he has been gone for over an hour now, what if his son got tortured and now crying miserably! He really is a bad parent.

"Wen Ning let's talk some other time!" Zhan shouted and ran, wild thoughts going through his mind.

Wen Ning who was left behind was surprised and wondered why xiao zhan suddenly left and he seems to be very nervous.

Wang yibo who was done feeding Wuxian recieved a cal from his father, yibo as usual disconnected the call but the call was persistent and he had no other choice but to receive the call.

"Dad what do you want calling me nonstop?"

"Why should I not call you, you have a son and you dared to keep it a secret from us! How dare you not tell us we have a grandson! Bring the child to us and introduce him to us."

Wang yibo was beyond surprised, what child? When did he have a child? This is the second time someone told him of Wuxian being his child.

'what are you talking about? I don't have a child.'

'You can lie to other's but not me! That kid in your house now, he looks exactly like you when you were child, even without a DNA test I can confirm the child belongs to you.'

'you still send your spies over to spy on me! This time they have really lied to you, I don't have any kid in my house.'

Wang yibo didn't waste time but disconnected the call, when he received a call again from his dad and this time he decided to switch off his phone, he walked back to his room and looked at the asleep Wuxian closely, he remembers the butler said the kid looks like him when he was kid and now his dad said the same thing.

Thinking about it xiao zhan can't be pregnant at that time right? If he was pregnant then he could have told him but he never said a word, he still remembers xiao zhan stomach being a little bit distended at that time and his eating habits seems to have changed.

If xiao zhan was pregnant then why didn't he tell him? Why did he keep it a secret or did he think he will hate him just because he was pregnant, or maybe he thinks he will think of him being weird? Was that the reason why xiao zhan chose to leave because he wanted to hide the pregnancy?.

Now thinking about it carefully he remembers one time xiao zhan asked him what he thinks about having kids, and the answer he gave wasn't so good, now it explains why xiao zhan left him, it wasn't because he has another man but because he was pregnant and he thought he won't accept the baby and the best option he thought was to just leave.

Wang yibo couldn't help himself but be excited and his expressionless face was full of smile's, if his theory is correct then it means Wuxian is his child together with xiao zhan and xiao zhan has been loyal to him and never betrayed him, it was all a misunderstanding.

"Xiao zhan you fool, why didn't you tell me the truth earlier, I will never...." Wang yibo didn't finish speaking when he heard his door being knocked several times.

"Wang yibo you open this door right now or I will break it down!"

Wang yibo heard xiao zhan voice from the door and his lips twitched, he had no other choice but to go and open the door.

Xiao zhan didn't waste time but pushed Wang yibo aside and rushed inside. "Wuxian baby daddy is here to take you back home!" Zhan shouted while looking around completely ignoring Wang yibo.

"Xiao zhan you broke into my house without my permission, you really do have  gut's." Yibo said with a smirk on his face.

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