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"Xiao zhan you broke into my house without my permission, you really do have  gut's." Yibo said with a smirk on his face.

Zhan heard wang yibo word's and saw his expression which made his body shudder but still composed himself and stood tall not backing away.

"Wang yibo hand over my son right now! I don't have time to argue with you." Xiao zhan whose imagination of what has happened to his son was extreme answered

Yibo was somehow surprised but at the same time proud of zhan it looks like xiao zhan has grown up and somehow knows how to stand up for himself which is a good start.

"And what if I decide not to hand over your son? You voluntarily brought your son to me and walked away without any explanation but rather saying some ambiguous word's to me, and now coming back and claiming to give you back your son, what a joke!"

"You....." Zhan rushed towards Wang yibo and grabbed his shirt collar with both of his hands.

"Wow your suddenly being so imposing, do you think you will scare me?" Yibo asked with a smile on his face while looking at xiao zhan angry face which is really close to him at that moment, zhan is still beautiful as before even after four years of separation.

"Wang yibo don't think iam joking around, hand over my son right now!" Xiao zhan who was really scared now wondering what wang yibo must have done to his son,he knows how ruthless Wang yibo can be and Wuxian is still young and someone like Wang yibo who is heartless and emotionless will surely do something unspeakable to his only son.

"What if I don't what will you do hmm?" Yibo asked his expression not changing at all.

"I know you hate me, you can do anything to me, I hurt you and betrayed you first, I admit my mistakes, no matter what you will do to me I won't resist, but please don't hurt Wuxian, he is ....he is." Xiao zhan couldn't bring himself to say Wuxian  is Wang yibos son too.

"Any way you can't gain anything from hurting him, take your revenge on me."

Wang yibo smile froze and he became a little angry, he expected xiao zhan to come out clean and admit that Wuxian is also his son after provoking him with word's, he removed zhan hand's grabbing his shirt collar and he grabbed zhan chin and forced him to look at him.

"My patience is really small xiao zhan if you won't explain yourself clearly then from today you will forget about ever seeing Wuxian, I didn't force to bring Wuxian here but you did it yourself, coming here and angering me, don't think I won't do anything to you."

Yibo easily dragged zhan out of his apartment and stopped him from going inside again.

"You can go away and don't come back again here to disturb me." Yibo added and was about to close the door but xiao zhan stopped.

"Yibo please, iam begging you in the name of god please don't hurt my son, take my son away from me, he is all I have, I can't live without him." Xiao zhan who has panicked and very scared begged, he can't imagine not seeing his son again, he knows whatever Wang yibo has said then he will do it.

"Still not talking and not saying the truth, get lost!" Yibo shouted, pushed zhan away and closed the door shutting xiao zhan outside, he knows without stimulating xiao zhan to say the truth then he will never get anything from xiao zhan.

Why did xiao zhan suddenly leave and claimed to have run away with his boyfriend? Is it only because of being pregnant and decided to cook such a story, will trying to hide his pregnancy force him to leave such a hurting and disgusting message to him?.

Xiao zhan who was kicked out froze where he was standing after staggering back, his mind was blank he wasn't able to think anything right at that moment, he tried to move but his legs gave out and he collapsed on the floor, his son, his only son, what should he do now? In the first place why did he bring Wuxian here? Why did he have to give his son to that man called wang yibo who has no heart at all!

"Young master what happened to you? Why are you looking like this?" Wen Ning who came back to his boss apartment to bring what he was instructed to buy asked concerned.

Zhan who saw wen Ning his eyes lit up and he grabbed wen Ning hand making wen Ning to be stiff and he didn't dare move.

"Wen Ning please beg your boss to give me back my son, he will listen to you right? He is also his son, he can't hurt him, he shouldn't torture and hurt his own son, I just want my son back." Zhan who was coherent said confusing wen Ning.

"Young master what are you talking about? Why should my boss take your son? Calm down and tell me properly what has happened?" Wen Ning said and tried to help xiao zhan who has grabbed his hands tightly to get up from the ground, he knows his boss can sometimes some thing's that are just so impossible and now it looks like to be one of the occasions.

Before xiao zhan could answer the closed door was opened and wang yibo who saw his bodyguard being so close to xiao zhan immediately frowned.

"What do you think your doing?" Yibo asked while looking at their hands.

"B-boss don't misunderstand, I was only helping young master to get up." Wen Ning immediately explained himself.

"Then why is he still holding your hands!" Yibo shouted his eyes getting colder.

wen Ning could only swallow hard, he is innocent and his jealous boss really misunderstood, how can he have any thoughts on the young master? That's courting death.

"Still not letting go?"

Wen Ning this time didn't hesitate but moved away from xiao zhan grasp and he finally calmed down his racing heart, being so jealous and overprotective and always misunderstanding him.

Zhan looked at his empty hand's then at wang yibo who looks like the next second he will devour wen Ning wholly and rushed towards yibo.

"I will tell you the truth, I will I promise I will."

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