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"Sleeping like this, so defenceless in my arms and seducing me in your sleep, what can i do with you?" Yibo whispered with his hoarse voice, his thumb rubbing xiao zhan smooth and soft lips.

Mrs Chen didn't go directly home but chose to go see his husband, she is very sure if his husband will not do something early then they will surely be in trouble, someone like wang yibo who looks nice and harmless once you get in his bad side, then you will surely wish to die or wish you have never seen him before.

"Honey you have to do something! Wang yibo seems to have suspected that xiao zhan is innocent and if we are not careful then our family will surely be implicated." Mrs Chen who rushed to his husband's office said all nervous.

"If you and your son destroyed everything that we have worked hard for all these years then i won't let you go!" Mr Chen answered annoyed, he has known nothing good comes out of his son and this woman she calls wife.

"He is your son too! And whatever he did was for the benefit of us all, just imagine the luxurious life we could have been living now if our son chen lu has succeeded sleeping together with wang yibo on that day! If it wasn't for that jinx we call xiao zhan coming in the way to destroy everything! If i knew earlier we shouldn't have pitied him but rather killed him on the spot together with his useless parent's!" Mrs Chen who was obviously angry shouted.

Mr chen slapped his hand on the table making Mrs chen to shudder in fear and stopped talking.

"Watch your mouth and what you say! I should have never trusted you and that chen lu in doing something so simple, and with your big mouth it will surely land in jail! I would love to see who will come to save you then!" Mrs Chen was really scared by his husband's word's and chose to keep quite but deep down she was very unhappy, she did everything to help the family prosper but when something goes wrong the only thing his husband does is put the blame on other's!.

Mrs chen:"Humph!"

And she walked away not looking back.

Lu yang who was cut short even before he could say anything else and the call was disconnected frowned, his face full of grievances like he has been bullied.

"Buddy can you imagine this! My uncle asked for my help and instead of asking nicely like you know be humble and beg, rather he spoke so coldly to me and hung up the phone after instructing me what to do instead of asking nicely!" Lu yang complained to his friend, the two has been good friend's since junior school until now and the two being pros wheb it comes to computer's, they're very good with coding, debugging and even hacking, they spend most of their times playing video games or doing something more challenging.

"Instead of complaining how about checking what he instructed you to do? If your not in the moods just let me do it! I will finish my work and have your rich uncle pay me handsome money." Lu yang best friend whose name is zi hua answered.

"No need, it's a piece of cake, just let me check something at a restaurant, well that's a piece of cake, i won't easily give out such information, my uncle has to treat me well and be nice to me before i hand it over." Lu yang said while checking the information his uncle sent, zi hua who was curious also joined his friend.

"And this xiao zhan name seems familiar, you told me your uncle married this boy, he should be your little uncle." Zi hua told his friend, lu yang remembers this name but at that time his uncle never mentioned of having a background check.

"It looks like my uncle has fallen in love with the beautiful young man, i knew earlier such a beautiful face will capture such my emotionless uncle." Lu yang said and work mode was turned on.

"Zi hua just hack the cctv system of the restaurant named and check all the vidoes of the date indicated, as for me let me see what i will find so interesting about my little uncle."

The two were busy looking very serious with whatever they were doing without the slightest disturbance.

"Son i wasn't able to find your big brother, the butler told me that he went out for work and he will not be around for few day's." Mrs Chen told his son not daring to tell the truth of what she has seen, she knows how his son is very sensitive and he might do something dangerous to himself.

"That's impossible! The conference is set to happen in a few day's, he must have avoided you on purpose because of that witch!" Chen lu cursed unhappily, just thinking of xiao zhan being in the way hurt him even more.

"I will find a way to invite xiao zhan back to the house and i will deal with him accordingly, he has never dared go against my instructions." Mrs Chen said with a smile, she is not going to allow that brat take the man her son loves so much and will do anything for him.

Next Day

Mrs chen tried contacting xiao zhan several times but all her calls were ignored, this is something that has never happened before and xiao zhan has always been respectful no matter what she did, this is the first time that xiao zhan ignored all her calls!.

Thinking for a while she decided to find wang yibo parent's and maybe she will be able to get wang yibo to think more clearly and not make a mistake of falling even more deeper.

"I have already instructed someone to destroy the video of that day, and he managed to destroy all the evidence today in the morning, since wang yibo hasn't checked then it is already too late and he won't find anything suspicious." Mr chen told his wife who seems to be in deep thoughts, Mrs Chen relaxed a little and the worry of having wang yibo knowing chen lu was behind the drugging.

"Thank you honey i know you will do something before it is too late, by the way find a way to invite xiao zhan back to the house." Mrs Chen answered while smiling but her eye's were full of malice.

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