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"Yibo parents." Zhan who finally managed to speak said and bursted into tear's.

Yibo used his good hand to gently patt zhan back as a way of calming him down, he understands without being told how painful it can be knowing the people you used to regard family even if not even once has they treated him well we're actually the same people who murdered your family and now using the money and riches that never belongs to them, but then at the same time xiao zhan condition at the moment is special, he is pregnant now and being overly emotional is not good for the baby.

"I know baby, I understand I know how your feeling now, iam here and I will get justice for you, anyone who hurt you and your family will have to pay, I won't let them go scot free." Yibo said and wiped zhan tear's away who was now looking at him with a confused expression. "Baby I already know what happened to your family before I got into an accident, my parents and some good friends know about this, I don't want to tell you this for now because I don't want you to do anything stupid that will put you in danger, also the doctor told me just now that you might be pregnant, so your emotions must be in check, if your emotions are unstable then the baby might be affected."

Yibo immediately explained himself not wanting xiao zhan to think wildly, he knows how xiao zhan little brain could imagine scary scenarios and cause unnecessary misunderstandings and he is not ready for that at the moment.

"Huh pregnant? But.....but." Zhan who didn't expect to be pregnant at the moment stuttered his hand now on his flat tummy, how can he be pregnant now? Now he knows what really happened to his parents and with the pregnancy now it will obviously bring alot of obstacles, he remembers at that time they didn't use any means of protection but didn't expect to really get pregnant!.

Yibo smile on his face somehow froze hearing xiao zhan words and his tone obviously he wasn't happy with the pregnancy is xiao zhan now thinking of terminating the pregnancy? Does he no longer wants to have kids again? Is he now thinking of aborting the baby? Thinking like that made his face got even more ugly.

"What are you trying to say?" Yibo who was obviously unhappy asked while trying not to sound angry.

Zhan was caught off guard and didn't expect wang yibo to misunderstand his word's, he is not thinking of doing anything to his baby, having a baby is a blessing, not everyone is lucky as him, other's who were married for decades are praying to even have one baby but are not lucky, other families get destroyed because of childlessness, other's experience miscarriages or accident's that made them not be able to ever get pregnant again and he is among the few who God blessed and can have children who can make him smile, cry, be happy, get angry and even called daddy which is already a great gift.

"Don't misunderstand me hubby, iam not thinking of doing anything I just...just think I got pregnant so suddenly and I wasn't prepared at all." Zhan answered.

Yibo expression changed and he smiled, lowered his head and gently kissed zhan forehead. "You should stay here and be good, don't think of trying to do anything that might get you into trouble, we have already planned everything and the chen family and all their accomplices will be brought to justice by tomorrow morning."

Zhan knew better if he tries to intervene in any way then the plans that his husband and others made will then be jeopardized and risk other's people's lives, it hurts remembering how his mother and father died and he couldn't do anything at that time to save them, he wants to get revenge for his parents too, make the Chen family pay, suffer until they wish they could just die but they can't die.

After zhan finally calmed down yibo went out with him and had the doctor do an ultrasound on xiao zhan to confirm if he was really pregnant, xiao zhan was already six weeks pregnant with twins! The two pea like shape close to each other made yibo and zhan be emotional.

"Hubby did you see that, iam pregnant with twins!" The excited xiao zhan who for a moment forgot about his parents said, yibo nodded his head and looked away not wanting to see his tear's.

This is such a great surprise, not only having one child but two and as long as everything goes well in months to come they will have two little newborn babies! Yibo knows zhan needs to live in a safe and stress free environment and that means everything needs to be taken care of very well tomorrow without any mistakes, the police and other security unit's are informed and ready, all the suspect's to be arrested location is known and the only thing remaining is the action to be taken.

Xiao zhan was allowed to go back home, Wang yibo was careful and made sure xiao zhan won't go out of his sight and the security around was tight making sure no one will come inside nor go outside.

Yibo didn't mention a word about xiao zhan pregnancy to anyone at the moment, after everything is over then he will let everyone know of the good news, even Wuxian didn't know in future he is going to be a big brother, he might have a little sister and brother or two little brothers or even two little sisters.

Second day

Li yang who was followed by several police officers dressed just like normal civilian's but well armed went to the Chen's company which has really developed but can't be compared to when Mr xiao was in power year's ago.

Mr Chen and his wife were at the company today and we're happily having a chat and the laugher stopped when they heard a knock, Mrs Chen went to open the door and looked at the young man standing infront of her dressed well.

She let li yang go inside thinking it must be one of her husband's business partner's who must have come to talk about business.

Mr Chen who was still seated wondered who the young man was now seated and haven't said a word yet.

"Can I know who this young man is? Can I help with you anything?" Mr Chen asked li yang.

"Sorry for not introducing myself, iam li yang from the li family, we have left china for over a decade now, butler Chen, Mrs Chen you must have heard of the li family right?" Li yang who didn't waste time introduced himself.

Mr Chen and his wife who heard the title of butler panicked, it has been so many years and no one has ever mentioned such a word because the name butler will obviously lead to something so unpleasant.

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