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"And don't say anything, you will still deny it, c'mon let's go eat." Cai xu added and didn't give time fo xiao zhan who has been seen through to deny the accusations.

He also expected for all these years that he has been apart from wang yibo, something different would happen, like forgetting about wang yibo and moving on with his life, but it's easier said than done, wang yibo is his first man, even if the first time they met was unpleasing, but later wang yibo asked for forgiveness, and just as he promised to treat him well, he kept his promise, all these years the love he had for wang yibo, the man he used to call hubby is still very fresh, and going back to beijing although he didn't expect anything, but he doesn't want to be disappointed.

He is not sure if he really confirmed that wang yibo is actually married and has a family, how will he react, he will obviously be heartbroken, the same way he broke wang yibo heart, maybe the pain will be much worse, he knows no one in this life will be able to replace wang yibo, the man who made him feel loved, cared for and he was very happy living with was none other but yibo, he protected him and does everything to make sure he is not in trouble, always listens to him, respect his choices and never forced him to do anything he was uncomfortable with, such a man was rare to come by.

Dinner was served, zhan helped his son eat and the two said there goodbyes and went back to their house, not forgetting to take dudu back from grandma, zhan put his son to sleep, fed the puppy and prepared himself to sleep.

Xiao zhan who didn't have a good night sleep came into conclusion that he will accept the offer, go to Beijing and continue his life together with his son, going to work the next day, he gave his reply to his boss who was very satisfied with his decision.

Zhan started preparing himself, he has lived here for year's and he has a lot of things to pack and prepare, Wuxian who heard about moving to a big city was beyond surprised and was very excited, all his friends at the kindergarten knew his daddy is taking him to a very big city and he will see alot of exciting thing's.

Day's went fast, zhan was busy and finally the day of moving arrived, zhan has already informed all the people he knew, early the next morning, the mover's assigned by the restaurant where zhan worker arrived, got everything in zhan house.

Xiao zhan will travel the second day with his son, the thing's left behind were only clothes that they will wear that day and the second day, together with other necessities too, he went to his friends house after saying his goodbyes to grandma, all these years she treated him like family and he was really grateful.

"Have you already booked? Is everything in order?" Cai xu asked his friend who was helping him fold his clothes.

"Yeah I will leave tomorrow in the morning with eight o'clock flight." Zhan answered already ready to face any challenges they will come his way, he has already prepared himself and he won't let anyone cause him and his son trouble.

"Big brother it's been more than three years now and you have never talked to me or visit me! I know I was wrong please forgive me, I didn't mean any harm, I just loved you so much and ended up doing something wrong." Chen lu who was standing infront of wang yibo car not caring if he will be ran over by the car shouted.

Wang yibo looked at his bodyguard wen Ning. "Go remove the trash infront of the car."

Wen Ning went out of the car, grabbed Chen lu hand and dragged him aside.

"Let my hand go! How dare you touch me!" Chen lu shouted while struggling to break free from wen Ning grasp.

Wen Ning has always hated this arrogant young master, he has no respect and always despise and look down on other's and now his boss has finally seen the true colors of this pretender and no longer wants to associate with him.

"Young master please stop disturbing my boss, when you drugged him that day and pretended to be innocent, you already expected him to behave like that, you pushed the blame to your brother and watched him get bullied by my boss, now the truth is out and your still insisting on disturbing my boss, are you not ashamed?" Wen ning answered, pushed Chen lu away, entered the car, before Chen lu could react he drove away.

"Big brother please don't ignore me! Iam sorry!" Chen lu shouted while running to the already leaving car, but stopped, clenched his hands into a fist, wiping his tears away and walked away, for four years wang yibo has never talked to him or even look at him, he ignored him and walk away like he doesn't exist at all.

He not  accept it, his friends and other people look down on him and mock him now behind his back, year's has passed and nothing has progressed between him and his big brother, and their relationship has completely changed.

Zhan arrived at Beijing with his son who was excited, a car came to pick them up and drove them to their new apartment.

Zhan looked outside the car together with his excited son and realized that a lot has changed, just for less than five years after leaving here alot has changed, now he is back and continue his life and this time not alone but together with his son.

"Daddy! Daddy look at that tall building! It's so tall!" Wuxian shouted while pointing outside, zhan followed his son's little finger where it was pointing and seeing the building with the Wang's name on it and he immediately looked away.

He just didn't expect with all the exciting thing's his son could see, the only thing that could completely catch his attention is his other father's company, it looks like blood is thicker than water.

"Yes my baby can have such tall building as long as he studies hard." Zhan answered and didn't dare to look outside again, he is not sure maybe he will see someone he doesn't want to see at the moment.

Arriving at the apartment where he will living with his son, everything was arranged just like he instructed, dudu who arrived at a new place and environment started looking around being all curious.

"New life, fresh start, I hope everything will go well without any problems." Zhan whispered while looking outside.

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