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Xiao zhan who has no idea what was happening staggered and bumped his head on Wang yibos chest, his whole body was pressed against that of Wang yibo, yibo body which was already burning hot knew his drink was spiked and with the way this boy was behaving, he must be responsible and with this thought made Wang yibo really angry.

Wang yibo couldn't control himself for long, the effect of the drug was really strong and now with xiao zhan clinging to him made the situation even more worse.

Chen lu on the other hand went to get ready and find Wang yibo whom he is aware that the aphrodisiac must have taken effect, but to his surprise Wang yibo was nowhere to be seen, he even asked some people who were still having fun at the party, but it looks like Wang yibo disappeared into thin air, not only that even the drugged xiao zhan mysteriously disappeared!.

The men that Chen lu hired to assault Xiao zhan were seen around apart from xiao zhan.

Yibo with difficulty managed to find the room he was assigned with xiao zhan still clinging onto him, opening the door and closing it from inside, he roughly pushed xiao zhan away making zhan to hiss in pain, his body was already weak and he couldn't even support himself.

Yibo held the struggling xiao zhan by his thin waist and dragged him to bed, he threw the vulnerable xiao zhan on the bed not so nicely.

"Since you're so shameless to add aphrodisiac in my drink just to get into my bed, I will gladly grant your wish!" Yibo shouted and hovered on top of xiao zhan, since this beautiful boy who looks innocent but unfortunately he is shameless, he is going to use him and vows to make him suffer after everything is over.

"Don't touch me.....l-let me go... please don' pervert." Zhan was able to speak with the little energy he had before the drug took complete effect and he lost consciousness.

Wang yibo didn't hear xiao zhan word's with how he was feeling at the moment.

He had his way with the unconscious xiao zhan completely satisfying himself and the uncomfortable feeling that he felt before disappeared, he didn't care the well being of xiao zhan, he didn't care if it was xiao zhan first time, whether the unconscious xiao zhan was in pain when there wasn't any foreplay or preparation.

Chen lu on the other hand was very angry, missing his chance of spending a memorable night with Wang yibo. He guessed yibo must have managed to get away since he didn't think of going to check the room he personally booked for wang yibo.

Chen lu left the party ignoring everyone calls, his plan today was very well planned and perfect, but he never expected he will fail on the last minute. Everything that he has planned for so long just failed with him watching and nothing could be done or rectified.

Next day

Xiao zhan was the first person to open his eyes early the next morning with a severe headache, he groaned in pain. He doesn't remember much about last night and he has no idea how he ended up on a bed.

Looking around his blood froze and his face turned white as a paper with what he saw Infront of him, how did he get here? How did he end up sleeping on the same bed as the governor? Zhan almost screamed but covered his mouth on time so that he couldn't make a sound.

He doesn't remember what happened last night, the only thing he knows well was coming to the party and was forced to drink alcohol.. that's all, and now finding himself together with the governor how did this happen? He himself can't explain.

He decided to leave this place as soon as possible before he makes his already messed up little life get in more trouble, he has no idea where he was but everything in the hotel shouts richness right on his face.

Zhan whimpered in pain when he tried to move and bit his lower lip hard enough for it to bleed, so that he couldn't let out a sound when he felt like his bones and whole body has completely been crushed. Tear's rolled down his face with the amount of pain he felt when he tried to move.

He is not sure if he got beaten after he was brought here,but one thing for sure he needs to go to the hospital immediately or call an ambulance for immediate help, but the most important thing right now is to get out of this place before the governor wakes up.

He chose to ignore the pain and left the bed with great difficulty, he found himself completely naked, and the most traumatizing and painful thing is seeing the white substance mixed with blood between his thighs, he let out a soft sob knowing perfectly well what has happened to him, though he has no memory of last night but one thing for sure is he lost his chastity when he wasn't ready at all and hasn't met the right person.

Though he was in pain he quitely got dressed frequently biting his lower lip and tongue so as not to make a sound, he could taste the metallic taste of his own blood.

Walking slowly towards the door he finally managed to open the door and he will be able to escape this unforgettable event but what invited him after opening the door was flashing lights blinding his eyes, he subconsciously moved back giving the paparazzi a chance to storm inside the room, finally xiao zhan realized the bright and disturbing lights were cameras from the media taking pictures of him.

Zhan immediately covered his face and tried to close the door since leaving was impossible but it was too late.

The reporter's started taking pictures of the asleep Wang yibo and the standing xiao zhan who froze, yibo was awakened with the commotion, the bodyguards who came inside pushed the reporter's outside, zhan who was trembling in fear knowing that he really messed up big time tried to sneak out too but he wasn't so lucky because he was stopped by the bodyguards from running away.

Zhan swallowed hard and trembled in fear when his eyes met that of wang yibo.

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