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Yibo who for the first time tasted how sweet sex was and this time he wasn't drugged but was very sober and wasn't really satisfied but became even more greedy, if not forYibo who for the first time tasted how sweet sex was and this time he wasn't drugged but was very sober and wasn't really satisfied but became even more greedy, if not for xiao zhan becoming tired then he wouldn't mind continuing.

Wang yibo who was feeling very refreshed and energetic went out and ordered the chef to prepare some porridge, woke up the sleeping Xiao zhan and fed him him slowly.

"Next time when I tell you to stop, you have to listen to me." Zhan complained while pouting, at first it was slightly painful and later it was really sweet and he felt ecstatic and his soul almost remained in heaven, the fear and trauma he had before finally vanished, he felt comfortable, yibo was very gentle with him and even now he doesn't feel very tired.

"Yes your the master, from today I will listen to you, next time as long as you won't seduce me." Yibo answered and kissed zhan cheek, fed him the remaining porridge and let him continue to rest.

"Tomorrow I will go to the company, then go get our clothes for the conference the day after tomorrow, you stay at home to rest and don't fool around you know."

"Yes I know, goodnight hubby, remember to bring me something spicy and sour to eat."

Zhan closed his eyes to sleep with yibo hugging him close, his stomach started to hurt but it was just mild pains.

Xiao zhan was awakened with severe lower abdominal pains, it felt like someone was stabbing him over and over again, he hugged his stomach hoping the pain to reduce but it got even more worse, his forehead was covered with sweat, he rolled around and fell down, looking around he slowly got up with his legs trembling and shouted in horror seeing his short's covered in blood.

Walking slowly while using the wall his support, he went to the toilet and took off the soaked short's and saw a little bit of clothes, with trembling hand's he cleaned himself while trying to ignore the sharp pain on his abdomen.

He discarded the messed short's and decided to go to the hospital for a checkup, wen Ning hasn't returned since the last time he took him to the Chen's family house, seeing a bodyguard he has seen several times he instructed him to take him to the hospital since he wanted to see a friend who is sick and admitted.

"Sir your face looks very pale, are you not feeling well, do you need my help?" The bodyguard suggested but zhan refused and left, instructing the bodyguard to go back, he will call him once he is done and he will come to pick him up, using the last little energy he has to enter the hospital, but because of the severe pain he collapsed and fainted before he could register and see a doctor.

Two hours later

Xiao zhan woke up and saw himself in a strange room, he doesn't know how he got here, but without being told he knew he was s at the hospital, luckily he fainted when he was already in the hospital and not at home, luckily no one from the house nor wang yibo will know what happened to him.

"You're awake, don't move, the doctor will come to check on you." A nurse who was in the room said and left.

Zhan sighed and prepared himself for the worst, he will take the news of his terminal illiness positively and not be depressed, he will not be scared, he will be courageous and take the news positively, he is not the only one in the world who suffered from serious illiness, and he won't be the last person to die and leave this world forever.

Minutes later the door was opened and the doctor entered, his expression serious and he seems to be angry and looks like the next moment not only will he scold xiao zhan but also beat him up.

"You're finally awake, I thought you will sleep forever." The doctor said.

"Doctor, how long will I be able to live? Iam prepared to know, I know I have an incurable disease but I wasn't courageous enough to come to the hospital." Zhan asked what he wanted to know, he has prepared himself mentally to recieve the news.

"You could have died if you came later! Knowing your condition but still dared to fool around! Children of these days never listens and only fool around! If you didn't want the baby then you should have used protection!" The middle aged doctor scolded, zhan eye's went wide, his face full of confusion, still wondering what the doctor is talking about.

"Doctor what are you talking about? What baby? I know I have an incurable disease that's why my stomach has been hurting and I was bleeding too." Zhan said and touched his stomach which has stopped hurting but still feels tender to touch.

"You idiot what incurable disease! So you have no idea that you're pregnant? Your almost two months pregnant and you had threatened miscarriage! How can you not know that your pregnant."

The name pregnant was like a bomb exploding on zhans head, pregnant? How can he be pregnant? He is a man, he has a dick, though he has heard and seen men getting pregnant but he never imagined himself getting pregnant, it was too much for him that his eyes rolled and he fainted.

Doctor:"Hey what's with the reaction! Fainting after knowing your pregnant."

Checking and making sure xiao zhan is fine, the doctor waited for xiao zhan to wake up.


Xiao zhan who has calmed down and now seated at the doctor's office was quite and listening to the doctor's instructions. The news of him being almost two months pregnant is a very big blow to him, the news caught him by surprise, he almost had a miscarriage, the pains that he experinced and the blood he saw was actually a sign that he almost he lost the still forming baby and last night strenuous activities worsened everything, the pain was worse and the bleeding was alot and he almost lost the baby. He thought he has an incurable disease, but the truth was he was fine and he there is a life forming in his stomach, he is not going to die, he has alot of year's infront of him, he will live and grow old, an old man with grey hair.

He is not sure how yibo will react if he knew he is actually pregnant, will he think he is weird and a monster, will he stop loving him? Divorce him and kick him out? Well he will understand because a man who can give birth is really weird, not only that, he will no longer fool around with wang yibo, this time it was so serious that he almost killed the unborn baby, thought he didn't know about the pregnancy, but knowing he caused a developing baby to die he won't forgive himself.

Even if he wasn't prepared about being pregnant, he won't abort the baby, it is his child, he will give birth to him or her, he got the medication prescribed by the doctor, bought something to eat and rushed back to the house, luckily wang yibo hasn't arrived yet, he hide the medication, cleaned the blood in the room with the sheet's and duvet in the room, luckily he didn't do much because the spot's of blood weren't that much, laying down on bed, he decided to rest just how the doctor instructed.

"I am pregnant, I have a baby, in future I will have someone to call me dad, sadly there won't be other dad, but only me, yibo iam sorry but leaving you is the best choice." Zhan whispered while gently caressing his slightly distended abdomen.

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